Paper Writing Examples You Need to Succeed in College
The skeptics agree: the easiest and breeziest way to write a paper is by following an example. Where can you find
paper samples? You can get them here for free!
Each academic paper example you can request here has been written by seasoned professionals. This means that
everything you get – from complex research papers to basic reports – is a freshly crafted slice of perfect
college writing. Keep reading to see what else you can get on our website (swoon warning: it involves innovative
paper writing solutions).
College Paper Examples Are Timelier Than Ever
The deadline is always shorter than it seems. Don’t use the excuse “I don’t know what to write about” to postpone
your writing session. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the paper on time, which has a host of
undesirable academic implications. Therefore, don’t idle as time swooshes by – take action now. Request a great
example of paper here. Once you have a paper sample, give it a close read. Make sure to study its format,
structure and, of course, content. Note how professional authors approach the discussion and analysis of your
topic and try to follow their lead in your own writing.
You live in a world of academic opportunity. It’s never been easier to shift your creative direction. It’s never
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Most Popular Paper Samples
We have thousands of essay samples that span every type and format of academic writing – including a good
selection of thesis statements – for your reading pleasure.
Clearly, our customers are spoiled for choice. This notwithstanding, they gravitate to research papers that are
commonly assigned in college. This kind of paper is extremely demanding due to the amount of research one has to
undertake, which is why it is not recommended to write it without a decent example at hand. The sample is needed
to understand how different sources of information can be stitched together in a clear and coherent manner.
Also, the example can show you how to present your interpretation of someone’s arguments. To not get lost in the
sea of scholarly data, use our free research papers for reference.
Case study samples are experiencing the uptick in popularity due to the emphasis on evidence-based practice. This
type of college paper is also gaining ground because it allows students to obtain specific, real-life knowledge
of their study area. Thus, when you have to explore the essential characteristics of a certain
situation/phenomenon but don’t know where to start, request a free sample here. It will be instrumental in
illuminating the complex aspects of the writing task.
It’s impossible to discuss papers samples without mentioning literature reviews, which can be both standalone and
composite types of writing. The assignment necessitates conducting a survey of academic sources on an assigned
topic. Your assessment of the materials might include the analysis of relevant theories, practices and/or
knowledge gaps. To properly conduct a critical evaluation of the scholarly literature, find a proper example you
can follow. It can be easily done with the help of
This type of writing also dominates our list of commonly searched for samples. The assigned requires you to
discuss arguments on both sides of a certain issue. It should be borne in mind, however, that a great
argumentative paper does not simply summarize the common arguments; rather, the opposite positions must be
discussed in light of your opinion. Thus, you will provide a clear picture of your knowledge on the subject. To
write a great paper, use our free essay samples.
The soaring popularity of reports samples is a testament to their importance as an educational medium. Whether
you need a report example for a marketing or a nursing class, you can find it here. Make sure that your writing
instructions match the provided sample and follow it to craft your own paper. While writing, please withstand
from copying the sample without proper attribution of authorship. Our samples are not to be plagiarized. Use
them judiciously in accordance with your college’s code of ethics.
Essay Examples
Modern organizations must create and maintain a competitive advantage to succeed in the contemporary corporate world. Building superior human resources is one way to attain a competitive edge in the market. Organizations can build a superior workforce through training and development (Chadwick & Flinchbaugh, 2021). Most employees comprehend that continuous professional development is essential for career growth. As such, they tend to work in organizations that provide training and development programs. With that said, most various theories support training requirements. This paper will recommend experiential learning theory to train sales associates and appropriate activities.
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Essay Examples
- The Milgram experiment is often cited as evidence that people’s obedience to authority can lead them to act unethically or harm others (Milgram). However, it is important to note that the experiment has limitations and the conclusions that can be drawn from it are not definitive.
- While it is true that the study showed that many people were willing to obey authority even if it meant causing harm to others, it is not clear that this was due solely to an excessive desire to please authority. Other factors, such as the social context in which the experiment took place, the perceived legitimacy of the authority figure, and the degree of personal responsibility felt by the participants, may have also played a role in shaping the behaviour.
- Furthermore, it is important to note that obedience to authority is not inherently unethical and that there are many situations in which it is appropriate and necessary to follow the directives of those in positions of authority. It is only when those directives conflict with ethical or moral principles that obedience to authority can become problematic.
- In sum, while the Milgram experiment raises important questions about the power of authority and its effects on human behaviour, it is important to approach the topic with nuance and avoid simplistic conclusions about the causes of unethical behaviour.
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Essay Examples
Economic growth is determined by a nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) increase. GDP can be described as the cumulative value of various services and goods produced annually within a country (Kuznets, 2019). At the same time, several forces stimulate economic growth. These forces can work collectively to ensure the increase of the country’s GDP. Despite the availability of several forces, no single force can be used to consistently accelerate the ideal or perfect growth necessary for an economy. For this reason, factors stimulating economic growth can be subjected to various conditions, like recessions caused by geo-financial and geopolitical events. However, investment demand has proved to be vital in stimulating economic growth.
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Essay Examples
In the middle of a maelstrom of disagreements about the repercussions of #MeToo, feminist activists and watchers circled the definitions of several important terms, like rape, harassing, assault, and consent. The concept of “pleasure” has been dissected, while the range of behaviors considered “wrong” has been expanded. We have covered the topics of victimization, authority, empowerment, and solidarity. Sexist aggressors have been informed that they can no longer operate freely in society. It seems that #MeToo campaigners have come to an unconscious understanding that there is an issue. This problem shows itself for women in the form of harassment, assault, and violence daily; the issue is men’s control over women, particularly in the professional realm.
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Essay Examples
What are the most effective ways to use power but still engender trust?
Leaders must balance how they exert their power or mandate and how they use this power to engender trust among junior employees. This can be achieved by taking into account the following approaches to leadership. First, a leader must encourage open communication within their organization, which goes a long way in nurturing trust with the junior employees. Having a culture where leaders appreciate feedback and employees feel comfortable sharing their opinions and thoughts helps promote trust within the organization and also helps provide the leader with valuable information relating to the opportunities and challenges the organization faces. Secondly, one should lead respectfully if one seeks to engender trust in their organization. According to Oyediran (2021), treating your junior workers with respect and dignity is crucial in fostering a positive work environment where a strong sense of trust can be fostered.
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Essay Examples
The judiciary’s role is controversial since some argue that courts have become too powerful, and others argue the courts have been restrained. When the courts are too powerful, they base their decisions on personal beliefs, and when they exercise restraint, it leads to a lack of accountability of the other government agencies. The conservatives and the liberals have used the concept of activism to describe court decisions with which they disagree. The following paper will explore the judiciary’s appropriate law and explain the concepts of court activism and court restraint. It will finally define the role of the idea of activism.
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Essay Examples
Time is a fundamental aspect of understanding the universe and has been the subject of much philosophical and scientific inquiry. While it is a seemingly simple concept, the time has proven to be quite complex and challenging to define. The word “time” is a noun that refers to a measurable duration, a point in time, or a specific occasion. Its usage can be both singular and plural, and the choice between the two forms depends on the context in which it is used. The discussion on the singularity or plurality of time has been ongoing for centuries, with different perspectives and arguments being presented. This essay will examine the debate on the nature of time in relation to the trends of criminology, using the two articles by Tepperman & Rickabaugh (2022) and Sharpe (2002).
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Essay Examples
Since the emergence of criminology in early 1800 as part of the movement for prison members urging reform, criminology has evolved into a more organized multidisciplinary charged with the mandate of identifying the root cause of crime and developing effective measures for preventing crimes from happening. Criminology, of the late years, has been charged with mitigating its impacts on the victims and punishing its perpetrators. There are three main phases of the criminology evolution school of thought. According to the early criminological theory school of thought, these three phases include positivist, Chicago, and classical. Criminology has dramatically evolved in many aspects, which can be determined using several parameters while others cannot. Many changes have occurred in the judicial sector since the B.C. up to date. These changes are being brought into existence by the daily activities which are taking place around the citizens. The death penalty sentence is the primary field of criminology where massive evolution has occurred. The death penalty sentence was first recorded in the early 18th century. This dates back to the era of King Hammurabi of Babylon. The death penalty, which was recorded, involved 25 crimes punished by the death penalty. The death penalty was majorly used in the early 18th century. The state members majorly installed the death penalty as capital punishment. This method of crime deterrence has been in check to punish wrongdoers for the crimes they have committed.
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Essay Examples
Competency Importance in the Field of Child Development
- Competency 1 is concerned with child development knowledge and therefore it is a vital field that every Preschool “Head start” Teacher should be conversant with. There are six sub-competencies in competency 1, including theoretical perspectives, developmental domains, lifespan, child context, contemporary issues, and theories and research. Theoretical perspectives cover theoretical perspectives in various developmental domains such as biological, social, cognitive, emotional, physical, and language. Developmental domains are an extension of the theoretical perspectives, while lifespan is a study of development from early stages to later development. Child context explains how factors such as family, peers, and culture shape development, while contemporary issues concern dynamics that influence development. Sub-competency of theories and research explains how they affect each other.
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Essay Examples
Financial Planning
Financial planning refers to activities that relate to the procurement and investing of funds and managing the returns on such investments. The process involves corporate managers considering their financial situations to build specific financial plans for reaching their goals. It is critical to the functioning and growth of a business and digs into multiple fields, including taxes, investing, insurance, savings, and other areas of corporate finance. Organizations must put together their plans for the future, defining how to manage their finances and prepare for potential costs and risks. This practice involves evaluating financial situations and identifying organizational financial goals to develop and implement necessary recommendations.
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Book Report
1.How does Amo support the view that both body and mind are essential to persons, and what is one potential problem with his argument?
Anton Wilhelm Amo, an 18th-century Ghanaian philosopher, attacks Descartes’ dualist perspective of the intellect and the body, claiming that both are necessary for people. Amo’s reasoning goes as follows: thinking and feeling are necessary for people; thinking is a mental function, while the feeling is a physical action. Amo’s beliefs were based on the Akan understanding of the mind as a thinking ability rather than a substance. As a result, both the intellect and the body are necessary for people.
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Sophocles’ Oedipus is an exemplary instance of tragedy in literature that has garnered much attention and analysis over the centuries. Scholars have approached this play, along with other tragic works, using various frameworks, with Aristotle’s concept of the tragic hero being one of the most prominent. Aristotle explains that a tragic hero is a character of high status who possesses a tragic flaw or hamartia, experiences a reversal of fortune, and ultimately meets a tragic end. This essay aims to evaluate how Oedipus fits into this definition of a tragic hero and examine some possible issues and limitations associated with this framework.
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Paper Samples
Respiratory syncytial virus and COVID-19 have struck the U.S. harder and sooner than normal this year. Although youngsters have mostly been impacted, adult Americans also notice an increase in hospitalizations from the sickness. Infections have shifted from the Omicron variation BA.5 that dominated the summer to a “variant soup” of several Omicron variants like BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, which are much more contagious and adept at evading the immune system. Because most tests are now performed at home, epidemiologists have a murky image of the viral population. Every day over the last two months, the City has officially recorded around 2,000 Coronavirus instances. However, there has been recent evidence of a rise in hospital admissions. According to state statistics, the number of New York City hospitals treating patients with COVID-19 rose to roughly 1,100 monthly.
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Essay Examples
In several literary works, characters frequently find themselves on the threshold of two worlds, forced to make decisions involving betrayal of genealogy, family, or culture. This conflict frequently results in humiliation, disdain, and desperation as they seek acceptance and identity. This article will examine the issues encountered by Michael Obi from “Dead Men’s Path” by Chinua Achebe and the speaker in “From the House of Yemanjá” by Audre Lorde. By analyzing these characters’ decisions, we may better comprehend the consequences of their actions. This essay asserts that, in Chinua Achebe’s “Dead Men’s Path” and Audre Lorde’s “From the House of Yemanjá,” the protagonists face the challenge of navigating between two worlds, grappling with conflicts involving tradition, heritage, and personal identity, ultimately emphasizing the importance of cultural sensitivity and respect in their journey to self-discovery and acceptance.
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Essay Examples
I established an eternal bond with my home in Georgia and Cleveland, Ohio, as my mother surpassed continents to help me accomplish my goals. My mother encouraged my legacy to develop strength and resilience in me. She helped me motivate positive thoughts in difficult situations to execute control over a specific condition. She consistently reminds me of the unique opportunities in the competitive world. Studies found a negative correlation between taking things for granted in sports and never developing an unhealthy mindset. I found multiple challenges in schools and tennis courts, but the familiar values promoted self-sufficiency and a fighting spirit to initiate a new future. Also, I experienced some physical and emotional health consequences in childhood that negatively impacted resilience-building strategies.
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Movie Review
The film follows the life of Alabama native Forest Gump, a good man with an ideally low IQ of 75, as historical events occur through his eyes. Jenny Curran was one of Forrest Gump’s few childhood friends and his first and only romantic interest. Throughout the film, Gump regularly experiences adversity but never loses his positive outlook. He may have been physically impaired, but he always retained sight of the big picture. He overcame adversity with his mother’s support and received a football scholarship.
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Essay Examples
Introduction and Causes of the Disorder
Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder altering the body’s regulation of iron absorption. Approximately one million Americans have Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH), while Caucasians of Northern European descents are at the highest risk (Katsarou et al., 2019). HH occurs when the body absorbs excessive iron due to faulty regulatory mechanisms. The inability to regulate absorption leaves excess iron deposits in the heart, liver, and pancreatic cells (Mayo Clinic, 2020). A correct diagnosis leads to easy and effective treatment, while delays can lead to severe organ damage expressed as heart, liver and joint diseases, diabetes, or liver cancer.
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Essay Examples
As a passenger in my grandparents’ truck’s backseat, I was staring down the winding road, lined with antiquity brick buildings having rustic red roofs. I was thousands of miles away from my birthplace, friends, and everyday routine, yet so near my roots. As I was moving away from my present, it appeared that it was approaching my past. I was the intense feeling of nostalgia that Swiss Physician Johannes Hofer referred to as homesickness, characterized by a profound longing for one’s motherland (As cited in De Brigard). My grandmother’s candy-like familiar voice brought me back to reality. My grandpa was very proud of the soil on which my forefathers founded our home, laid our first foundation, and planted the first vine. We halted in front of the impressive iron gate with its paint slowly flaking off, allowing me to see the big brick home between its curves.
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Book Report
McBride’s, “Paradigm shift: globalization and the Canadian state” explores the impact of globalization on politics, economy, and society from a Canadian perspective. The book systematically presents various issues, changes, and effects in transforming Canadian state-society relations and civil society through various phases of globalization. This reflective journal analyzes McBride’s central arguments, critical ideas in the study, and a reflection on the author’s overall insights on a Canadian paradigm shift. Critically, McBride posits that globalization has changed how people perceive the state’s role and function.
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Essay Examples
Social media seems to encompass every aspect of human life in the current world. It has grown so pervasive and dominant that people do not consider how it influences their lives. Social media has transformed into an essential element of everyday human activity. One must note that this transformation has been achieved through careful manipulation of human minds. The Social Dilemma is a Netflix documentary that explores social media’s influence on its users. The film delineates how these online platforms focus on grabbing the attention of their users, thereby gradually changing their behaviors and attitudes. It reveals the darker side of social media, in which manipulation becomes a predominant element as the platforms solely focus on attracting users toward constantly using them. Social media negatively influences students, especially adolescents, who are prone to confuse the virtual world with reality. They might think they are invincible because these online platforms allow them to remain anonymous and take on a different identity. In this case, social media undoubtedly threatens the perceptions of the real world. Social media threatens the perceptions of the real world, as evidenced by their pervasive influence on students, simplification of human lives, and proliferation of false news, making their users addicted to them.
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Essay Examples
A note from EvolutionWriters
We publish this sample essay while the active stage of the Russian-Ukrainian war is still unfolding. Thousands of civilians were killed by Russian troops during shellings of Ukrainian cities and in captured towns and villages. Millions of survivors were forced to flee from their homes. Our company, staff, and essay writers have already contributed to the fundraiser campaign to help people affected by war. You can join this effort too and donate!
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Paper Samples
The following essay on the Visa Inc. company covers a popular topic for students to write about. If you need a great essay writing service to help crafting a similar paper, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
This essay about the use of big data in surveillance is a popular topic many students choose when they address us with a ‘write my essay’ request. If you also write your essay on this topic, the following work will be a great example for you.
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Essay Examples
The following essay on State, Surveillance, Society is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need some great essay writing services to help you craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The following essay on Servant Leadership is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need a great essay writing service to help you create a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The following essay on Shifts in African American Literature is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need a great paper writing service to help you craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The following essay about Role Of A Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need some great essay writers to craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
This essay on popular music society covers a popular topic many students choose when they address us with a ‘write my essays’ request’. If you also write your paper on this topic, the following will be a great example for you.
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Movie Review
The following Movie Review On Stranger Things and Its Visual Effects is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need some great paper writing services to help you craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Movie Review
The following Movie Review On Stranger Things and Its Visual Effects is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need an essay writer to craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The following essay on the causes of the drug shortage covers an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need some great essay writers to craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The following Comparative Analysis of Plato and Aristotle’s Epistemologies Essay is an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need some great essay writing services to help you craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Research paper
This effects of physical and mental fatigue on cognitive-motor dual task ability research paper covers a popular topic many students choose when they address us with a ‘write my essay’ request’. If you also write your paper on this topic, the following will be a great example for you.
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Essay Examples
The following essay on Improving Cooking Gas Access in Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Nigerian Communities covers an important topic for everyone to think about. If you need an essay writer to craft a similar one, don’t hesitate to address us.
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Essay Examples
The forensic pathology essay sample below is a vivid example of a properly written and structured explanatory paper. You can use it as a source of writing techniques or a general writing model to follow when crafting your own piece absolutely for free. However, if reading ready-made papers doesn’t help or you don’t have time for that while still needing to deliver a completed piece, you can address our paper writing service at any moment and get practical help with this issue.
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Analytical Essays
Essay, APA, College, 6 pages, 2 sources
The criminological theories essay example below was developed with the CRJ 3800 course in mind. It masterfully illustrates how even a mainstream movie can be used to describe essential issues in modern society. Read it to borrow the best content organization practices and literary techniques. Alternatively, if you need practical help with a similar essay on criminological theories or any other academic paper, you can address our essay writing service and get quick and affordable assistance within days or even hours.
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Analytical Essays
Thousands of articles, blog posts, and essays are written about global warming every year. You will hardly find new factual data or statistics in the climate change essay sample below – but that’s not what it is here for. Its main task is to demonstrate how a strong analytical paper should be written – from introduction to conclusion. In case you need some analytical writing done for you within a tight timeframe, contact our customer managers with your ‘write my essays‘ request to learn more about how we can help. Or place an order right now!
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Research paper
Research paper, APA, College, 7 pages, 7 sources
This Electoral College research paper sample explores how the American election system may threaten democracy because of its many vulnerabilities. Apart from highlighting a very interesting topic, the piece also showcases how controversial issues should be approached and how each position should be reasoned. If you have a similar task on the table, you can use the research paper about the Electoral College below as a model to follow. However, if there are some circumstances that prevent you from accomplishing this work single-handedly, you can contact EvolutionWriters customer managers at any moment and request “Write my essay for me.”
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The sample below is a part of a larger managerial economics assignment. It analyzes how the supply and demand correlation works for two companies with different approaches to packaging materials amidst the COVID pandemic. Crafted by a competent essay writer, this assignment about managerial economics is meant to give you a clear idea of what teachers expect to see in a college-level piece. If this seems too hard or you’re pressed for time, our experts can help you out and develop an entirely original managerial economics assignment example paper and tailor it to your individual requirements and specifications.
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Book Review
Some books are hard to read and even harder to review because of the highly sensitive issues they touch. This book review on ‘Insane: Criminal Treatment of Mental Illness’ by Alisa Roth explains why the problem of treating mentally ill people in the criminal justice system should be of concern for all Americans. Along the way, it is a vivid example of an open-structured book review that our essay writers can craft upon request.
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Essay Examples
Businesses never stop inventing new ways of attracting new customers. Nowadays, one of the most popular aspects brands like to feature is eco-friendliness and sustainability. Read this ‘Sustainability in Fashion Industry’ essay sample to see how loud claims should be challenged and put against reality check. In case you think this task requires too much effort and/or time, consider addressing a professional essay writer online in order not to get the job done and not to miss the deadline.
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Lab Report
Many journalists and essay writers bring up the issue of consumerism in modern society, and often it’s all about criticizing it. However, the sample about ethical consumerism below will show you that it’s always possible to find an affirmative approach to virtually any subject.
Ethical consumption (also uses the terms responsible consumption, green consumption) is a type of consumer behavior and consumer activism. This term covers all stages of the life cycle of consumption from purchase to use and disposal of goods. The idea of “ethical” shopping is built on the principles of “vote of dollars.” That is the fact of purchase is an expression of approval of the consumer behavior of the seller. The term “ethical consumption” was popularized by the British magazine “ethical consumer”, which was first published in 1989 (Giesler, M., 2014).
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Essay Examples
The topic explored in the sample below is disturbing, so proceed with caution. If you would rather save your peace of mind, you can get help from essay writing services. We will professionally tackle shocking or uncomfortable themes for you.
Known as the “Milwaukee Cannibal” due to his affinity for ingesting human flesh, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was a serial murderer and sexual offender that was responsible for the deaths of 17 boys and men between 1978 and 1991. Dahmer was eventually convicted of 15 of those murders and received a life sentence for each in February of 1992 after he was classified as legally sane enough to participate in a trial. When he submitted to psychological evaluations, it was determined Dahmer, who was born in 1960, suffered from a borderline personality disorder.
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Research paper
Some of you come to our service exasperated. “If I wanted to write my essays by a dozen each week, I would have chosen English and Literature!” Sure, when you want to study business, all this writing can be annoying. However, it also allows you to reflect upon your chosen career and find out your strengths. Just look how it’s done in the sample below!
Career Research Report
My future profession is Business Management. There are several reasons why I am interested in such a profession. First, business management offers one the chance to develop both as a person and as an employee. Managing other employees is an experience that enables one to learn how to interact effectively with other people and ways of managing conflicts. Additionally, it puts one directly responsible for the implementation of the organization’s objectives that ensure the overall success of the business.
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For creative tasks that combine imagination and research, we will find you an essay writer who is both erudite and inventive. The result will be as stunning as the sample below.
World War II Journal
Today is Sunday, the 7th of December, and I’m John Braydis, the sailor on the USS Arizona. A lot of my friends were dismissed due to the weekend. Suddenly I’ve heard a loud sound and the ground has shaken. I fell on the floor and heard one more bang sound. When I pulled myself together and ran on the deсk, I saw a horrible picture. On the other side of the ship there were lots of bodies, and the ship itself was destroyed and was sinking.
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Research paper
People turn to essay writing services for professional assistance – not only pro writers but also experts in their discipline. Here you can tap into our writers’ diverse talents, including STEM and IT, for in-depth samples like the one you see below.
Virtualization in computer science refers to the abstraction of computing resources such as processor cycles, memory, applications and network resources. However, the term usually refers to platform virtualization i.e. computer or operating system virtualization (Tulloch, 2010).
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Often students come to us saying, “Write my essay, please, it’s so boring I’m afraid of dislocating my jaw!” However, the sample below shows how any topic can be made exciting – with a pinch of creativity.
Statistics Project
In this paper we will discuss and describe how the basic tools of statistics analysis and probability theory may be applied to a real world problem. The data given is a breakdown of all 426 goals made by Lionel Messi during his football career. There are 90 observations of the data; each represents the number of goals during a game played by L. Messi. Our goal is to perform multiple steps of statistical analysis: we build frequency distribution characteristics – frequency tables and histograms, pie charts, elements of descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and measures of variability). In addition to the descriptive part, we also perform a hypothesis testing part to compare mean values between two groups of the data.
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We employ essay writers from all walks of life. If you need someone with an academic background or work experience in marketing to write a paper like the one below, we will find just the right person for the job!
Executive summary
The Nokia Lumia is a well-known smart phone brand that only rivals the iPhone and the Samsung Galaxy range of smartphones. This paper is a detailed report on the marketing plan behind the development of the Nokia Lumia.
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Our essay writers can give a terse overview even of the most extensive topic. For example, look at how the entire scope of 20th-century immigration fits in a couple of concise pages below.
According to a recent study, about 3 percent of the world population comprises of international immigrants, and the country with the largest number of immigrants is the United States (Parkins ). The 20th century has witnessed many migrations that have been characterized by a variety of factors. The statement of this study is that the economic disparities have been a major cause of immigration in the 20th century.
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A boon for one essay writer can be a bane for another. If a classification essay is not your thing, outsource this particular assignment to us – or find inspiration in the sample below.
Prison classification can be defined as a method of appraising inmate risks, in an attempt to attain and maintain a state of equilibrium between security requirements and program needs. The safety of jail facilities is dependent on inmate classification. Almost every institution in existence has some form of classification for various operations. Ensuring efficient classification is crucial for safe operations in prison facilities. Over the last decade, emphases on upgrading prison classification methods and management have been contracted. Since inmates are heterogeneous, they possess varying character and behavioral traits. For this reason, many prisoners are incompatible with individuals they divvy their living place with. Without proper classification, the environment for inmates and staff would be flagitious.
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Even a skilled essay writer may have difficulty addressing such a topic as love. Philosophers have been trying to define and describe it since the Antiquity and haven’t reached any decisive conclusion yet. Here is just another take on this fascinating subject.
Love is an intangible feeling that makes us vulnerable to danger, pain and suffering. However, love is the foundation of friendship; it brings us together and promotes cooperation. Friendship and cooperation is usually contaminated by betrayal and lies. The people we love can easily manipulate our trust.
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You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Argh, the book is way better than the movie!” Well, why don’t you turn this pattern into a full-fledged college paper? On the one hand, our essay writing service offers a free sample paper to show how it could be done, or practical help from an expert writer, on the other.
The advantage that movies have over books is that everything in the movie can tell the story: the background music, the movements or he gestures of the actors, specific unanimated scenes, dialogue, monologue and so on. On the other hands, books have only the words they are made of to tell the story and sometimes graphical indications or drawings that explain the scenes which compose the narrative. The current essay analyzes four combinations of book-film storytelling narratives (“The Natural”, “World War Z”, “Christine” and “The Hobbit”), focusing on a particular book-film combination, chosen as the worst such combination for a college-student audience.
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If your position in life can be summed up as “I would rather experience a cinematographic masterpiece once more than write my essay about it,” we support you. Life is too short for dull tasks. If you are not a writing geek, we will match you with the right person to craft an excellent essay just like the one below.
The film The Cabinet by Dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene (1919) was designed in an expressionist style. Expressionism was an avant-garde that began in paintings between the years 1898 to 1905. Expressionism was taken up in theatre, literature, architecture until eventually it was taken up on film by Robert Wiene in 1919.The expressionist style of Cligari was advanced by three designers by the names Hermann Warm, Walter Reimann and Walter Rogrig. This film by Robert Wiene expresses the viewpoint of a madman whose vision is the projection of the movie.
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Many students approach our paper writing service seeking help with personal statements. We guarantee that such a sample will always be written in a unique human voice, just as the essay below.
Nursing has always been my passion. As a child, I saw how my mother dedicated her life to her nursing profession. She is my greatest inspiration. She is one of the reasons why I want to have a scholarship grant in nursing. I am a first year college student in nursing now, and I feel that I am few steps away from my dream to becoming a full-fledged nurse. A scholarship will help me fulfill this dream. A scholarship grant will help pay for my books and other expenses in school. Furthermore, I will not be a burden to my mother who is already working doubly hard to send me to school. I will also be able to concentrate on my studies since I do not have to work at the same time.
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When addressing a controversial topic, it’s challenging to keep the leveled tone and back every claim with evidence. If you experience such difficulties, turn to paper writing services for professionally made samples to show you the standard of academic tone and rigor. See the example below.
Ever since man has first walked on the planet Earth, their inborn thirst has resulted into numerous advancements and innovations. These technological and scientific innovations have now reached to paramount heights and converted the world into a much more modernized world than ever before. However, in this epoch of progression, it is also prudent to note that the social and ethical dilemmas have also escalated simultaneously at an unprecedented rate. Corruption is amongst the issues that has been witnessed to be growing at a constant pace and has become a problem on a global basis (Grossman xi-xiii).
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It’s not a secret that essay writing services are popular not only among students but also among business people looking for assistance with reports and other business papers. Such as this overview of Sony Corporation hiring practices and innovative HR initiatives.
The rapid diversification of markets has led to an increased need for competent and talented human resources to ensure continued growth and development. Markets are embracing a global orientation, and this is shown by the attendance of multinational corporations (Duane, 2010). Sony ranks amongst the most renown and a successful multinational corporation since it was established. The company strives to be the market leader in development of technologies, and it indulges in a vast range of products from small technologies to sophisticated machinery.
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If only I could write my essays as close-cut and efficient as the author of the following sample! Still, I suppose a law expert must have this no-nonsense attitude. Enjoy the pure rationality below.
The law of property act of 1925 is among the Acts that were designed as part of the integrated legislative program initiated by Lord Chancellor Lord Birkenhead between the year 1921 and 1925 (Beale Jr. 1907). This piece of legislation primarily concerns itself with the transfer of property. In law, the word property is synonymous with the word land. There are many reasons that explain why land is the most fundamental kind of property in society.
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Our essay writing service has a great deal of requests concerning business regulation and corporate law. Yes, this stuff isn’t as exciting as “launching your startup.” Still, it’s necessary to master if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. Meanwhile, we are happy to help with a customized sample, like the one you see below.
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, commonly referred to as TUPE, is legislation in the UK that came into effect in April of 2006. It was as a result of the United Kingdom’s implementation of the European Union Business Transfers Directive (European Union, 2001). The legislation replaced its predecessor, which had been enacted in 1981.
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Single parents make up quite a share of students turning to our essay writing service for help. Read this sample essay about their financial struggles, and you will see why.
The role of a single parent is very demanding and challenging. The most evident challenge faced by a single parent is to be the sole provider for his/her children. Commonly, a single parent is the only bread earner of the entire household and is, therefore, unable to give more time to the children due to work pressure.
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Research paper
Students most often turn to essay writing services when they don’t understand the format of the assignment and the methods they are to use. The following sample explains in detail experimental and quasi-experimental methods of research. Now that research paper of yours will finally get off the ground!
Qualitative research refers to a family of philosophies which are characterized by positive evaluations of science and scientific methods. Qualitatively, variance can be expressed as the real or positive number in many situations. When a variance amounts to zero, this is an indication that all the scores for that particular variable are the same or are similar.
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Paper Samples
The sample below explains how prospective teachers can optimize curriculum and assessment. However, this is a matter for the future. Right now, pedagogy students can learn how our free samples and paper writing services can help them optimize their current studying process.
Effective curriculum requires an approach to teacher learning that takes into account several aspects such as the needs of the students, teachers, and the society. The process of curriculum development and improvement of pedagogy should be maximal effective and efficient. It is important that this process is built upon prior observed practices as well as documented literature. An effective curriculum, pedagogy and assessment strategy that improves the students’ outcomes is one that has the following three dimensions: intellectual quality, quality learning environment, and significance.This dimension expects students to communicate the things they learn and requires them to involve higher order thinking. In addition, it also tends to treat knowledge as something that needs active construction (Anderson, 1984). The second dimension is quality learning environment and it involves creating a classroom environment primarily focused on learning where both the teachers and students work together productively. Such a focus is important since it enables creation of positive relations among students and between teachers and students. There are a lot of high expectations set by the method. The third dimension is significance; it is all about bringing meaning into the process of learning and making students understand the importance of what they are learning. This dimension helps students to make connections of several important aspects of learning. They make connections of the previous learning and knowledge, connections of the contexts outside classroom, helps them to be culturally sensitive and have multiple ways of knowing.
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Research paper
Climate change has been a trending topic for years now, and essay writing services have seen a lot of similar requests for academic papers dedicated to it. However, no student or context for the topic is the same for us. We treat every case as unique, which is a guarantee of a great essay. Like the one, you can see below.
Countries all over the globe have been impacted by climate change arising from environmental degradation, Australia being no exception. Over the past century, the temperature in Australia has risen by 0.8ºC, with the minimum temperatures rising quicker when compared to the maximum. On the other hand, the western parts are receiving lesser rain. An increase in coral mortality and bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef have been attributed to a rise in the sea surface temperature. Although the rise in the sea level in Australia has varied across its regions and has remained below the global average, the Snowy Mountains have seen a fall in snow cover. According to CSIRO, when compared to 1990 figures, the average annual temperature by 2030 could rise between 0.4ºC to 2.0º C and 1.0ºC to 6.0ºC by the year 2070 (CSIRO, 2001). The level of climate change in the future remains uncertain and debatable, although it is certain that fluctuations in rainfall, tropical cyclones, and El Nino Southern Oscillation events, as well as decreased snow cover and duration can be expected.
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Analytical Essays
This essay writing service is like a bird. It flies high because it has two wings – the US and the UK divisions. Therefore, if you need an in-depth essay on the UK legislation, we can arrange a UK writer who knows their onions. Like the author of the sample below.
Groom (2011) has stated that even before the publication of Section 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, it has been expected to raise the interest of those who belong to the legal profession. It served as a replacement of Section 40 of the Law of Property Act 1925 regarding the formal requisites and offered a new approach to the assignment and conveyance of legal and equitable interests in land either through sale and other modes of transfer.
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Essay Examples
Among the paper writing services we offer, there are case studies in all disciplines and academic levels. For example, this excellent analysis of company law cases in the UK.
Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd (1946)
Lord Greene, in Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd held that there are exceptions to Foss v Harbottle, according to which the company is the claimant in the event wrongs are committed against it, Hicks & Goo (2008). The exceptions to the Foss v Harbottle include a derivative action, under which minority shareholders are permitted to bring claims on behalf of the company itself. This effectively laid ground for the emergency of remedies for minority shareholders in a company, which informed the Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd ruling.
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Paper Samples
We have essay writers who graduated from various schools all over the USA, UK, Canada, and the world. When you need help with an admission essay, we can find you someone who got enrolled into the very same school – or at least a school of a similar profile.
This is my Personal Statement to the University of Vermont to pursue a degree in Business Administration.I come from a background where hard work and good education was given top priority. My strong sense of integrity and work ethics has been valued by my superiors as well as my team members at my company, Loors Corp. A dynamic personality with strong leadership abilities has helped me in managing a small team very efficiently for over five years now.
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Speech Samples
Our essay writers are always willing to collaborate and incorporate your contributions into the paper. This is especially true for a personal statement or a similarly unique piece that should convey your genuine voice. That is how they can create beautiful samples like the one you can see below.

What makes my life better
As Ernest Hemingway said: “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” And that’s, to my mind, the way every person should follow. It is how I try to live, always improving and getting better. Sure thing, it is a difficult path to go through, as not many people can easily admit own weaknesses and strengths. Therefore, to be pretty honest with myself and the reader, I’ve decided to ask opinions of my close people to evaluate all my good and bad sides .
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Research paper
“I can’t stand to write my essays for pages and pages when a simple presentation with blueprints would have sufficed!” Sounds familiar? Writing is frustrating for many STEM majors. Luckily, you have us for everything: writing, calculations, and bold ideas!
This paper presents the design of a solar powered refrigeration system. The design of the system takes into account the solar sorption principles which include both the absorption and adsorption. Research has been conducted and it has been proven that the design and implementation of solar refrigeration system comes with several advantages. It helps in meeting the demand for energy conservation and the protection of the environment.
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Research paper
Need to craft an economy research paper and don’t know where to start? Check out this short sample by our essay writing service writer – maybe, its paradoxical findings will prompt you an original idea for your own piece.
Agro-Business and in Relation to Hunger and Famine
Hunger and famine are two natural calamities that have serious and devastating effects on the life in this planet. Famine is a long season without rain, which leads to a decrease in agricultural productivity. Of course, this leads to hunger. In the various economies around the world, man is engaged in trading activities. Agro-business is one of the trading activities. This essay seeks to establish the position that agro-business exaggerates hunger and famine rather than help in curbing it.
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Paper Samples
The EvolutionWriters company provides a broad range of essay writing services, with medical and nursing papers being its important part. Below, you can find a sample piece that showcases what kind of work you can expect from our experts.
Choice 3
“The only appropriate and realistic model of the Dr.‐patient relationship is paternalism. Doctors are the medical experts; most patients have little, if any, reliable medical knowledge; implicit trust in one’s physician is essential to the healing process; and doctors have the responsibility for our health and therefore have the duty to make all the important medical decisions.” Critically assess that claim.
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Analytical Essays
Getting into the intricate reasoning behind philosophical apologies requires some serious theoretical training, as well as a nimble mind. Get help from our essay writing service if you don’t have time or energy to craft a thorough-paced piece like the sample below.
Philosophy : Critical Analysis of Plato’s Apology
As an essential milestone not merely in the Ancient Philosophy’s history, however correspondingly for the determining of the theory of western politics, contemporary principles, distinctiveness and responsiveness, the Apology by Plato has been for several years a rudimentary book in the prospectus of conformists, historians and academics. As this paper goes to demonstrate, the Apology ought to be observed as an indispensible manuscript for those who target having an Ancient Greek knowledge of philological and philosophy.
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Essay Examples
Controversial topics can be very challenging to tackle. Engage the help of an essay writing service for a customized sample or read an example essay below for argument-building strategies and impactful wording.
Is War Beneficial to Mankind?
War is a horrible medium, which has been used for hundreds of thousands of years, to achieve certain goals through the use of force. The major causes for war are resources, which can be territory, water, gold, minerals or animals; and ideologies: political beliefs, religion, philosophical differences. In other words, brutal outrageous kings, rulers, commanders and emperors possessed the purpose of having power and control over the whole world. But do these egoistic goals really bring benefit to humanity?
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Essay Examples
Music is the closest thing that we have to magic in the real world. It is a fascinating subject that can be explored and discussed for hours. However, if you don’t find it inspiring enough, look at how the essay writer addresses this topic in the piece below.
Listen to the Right Music and Be Healthy
Music is like a unique world with the amazing variety of its kinds – from such well-known, as classical, pop, rock, jazz, to absolutely new ones – idm, flanschrock, synthpop, trancestep, etc. Music has an extraordinary ability to entertain millions of people, change their mood and evoke specific memories. But not each of us realizes why music affects us so much and can move its listeners in a profound way. In my essay I will try to explain the main aspects of music influence> and which benefits we can take from it.
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Essay Examples
If I had to write my essay on cloning, I’d take a positive outlook on it. However, the topic is controversial, and some people argue that cloning is against nature itself. The sample below tries to prove this exact point.
Cloning – The Wrong Turn Science Takes
The history of science knows a lot of controversial issues and times when some new discovery or direction of inventions was popularly believed to be inherently evil, immoral and bringing the downfall of human race with it. Most commonly it was said about the discovery of some new law of nature, or possibility to cure illnesses by unusual methods, or ways of using the above mentioned laws to the advantage of the human. And most commonly later it was decided that the new discovery carries nothing bad in itself but, in fact, is useful and may be used to bring a lot of good.
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Essay Examples
Sometimes, we get requests that make us smile, for example, “Please write my essay against smartphones. I have no time for it because I need to beat the high score in Flappy Bird.” You go and have a life. We will always have your back. However, maybe give the sample below a quick glance – it might teach you something.
Cellphones in Schools – Teacher’s Scourge
It is hard to imagine our modern life without some things, and a cellphone is undoubtedly one of them. It is perceived as something so natural and is so taken for granted that it sometimes seems strange how difficult it was only a decade ago to get in touch with somebody you wanted to have an urgent talk. Cellphones make this process fast and easy, and only the person’s wish to answer the call defines whether the talk will be or not be.
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Essay Examples
Hardly can anyone argue that personal development is possible without appropriate education. It’s not about diplomas, it’s about relevance and comprehensiveness. In this context, using the opportunities our paper writing services offer might improve your writing skills and boost your personal development.
Education as the Main Aspect of Personal Development
Every person has own personality with individual thoughts, views on life, ideas, mind, desires, etc. We not only possess these qualities, but they are at our disposal. We have ability to think, love, control our feelings and use our mind for achieving certain goals. However, not all of our capabilities are given to us at birth. Some are being formed throughout the whole life. Even if you are now a qualified and experienced crackjack in any field, you still can continue to improve your potential, as this process is endless. This is the concept of education in my opinion.
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Essay Examples
Our essay writing service strives to create personal essays that convey your authentic thoughts in an eloquent style of a skilled author. That is why we appreciate it if you give us as much information as possible when it comes to this type of tasks. With mutual input, an excellent result, such as a piece below, can be achieved.
The Power of Colorblind Love
When two people meet and look in each other’s eyes, it can happen that from the first moment they somehow know that they belong together. After such a mutual glance, they can notice that they are of different races, seem to have absolutely nothing in common and look nothing alike. But all these physical differences have no sense to their hearts, as once people have fallen in love with each other, they will never break up only because of the racial diversity.
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Book Review
Our essay writing service is very flexible: you can request your essay to be written using specific optics or interrogating a particular text. See how the works of an 18th-century female poet are analyzed in the context of contemporary gender studies in the sample below.
Small Battle for Women’s Rights
Nowadays no one is surprised when women become presidents or prefer to earn money, while their husbands stay at home with children. Nevertheless, women in England in the 18th century could not even dream of proper education, not to mention such liberties. Though, of course, some of them were indignant at such unfairness and wanted changes.
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Essay Examples
As paper writing services, we strive to make student’s life easier by giving you back your time. Time to savor life. Time to appreciate things that make it worthwhile. Like… Love.
Miracle of Love
I thought that I was living a happy, merry, exciting and fascinating life, but it’s nothing when compared with the life when you’re in love. One day I realized that my life was black and white and only love was embellishing it with striking colors. What is more, every new day brings new colors, surprising me by their multiformity. It’s like I found myself in a new world, the world just of two persons, where we will live eternally.
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Essay Examples
Given a topic of such magnitude, I am not sure I would be able to write my essay without any outside help. I mean, the sheer immensity of the scope is intimidating. However, as you can see from the sample below, nothing is impossible for a pro!
The Influence of Ancient Greece on Contemporary World
It is no secret that the whole Western Civilization in this or that way stems from the culture that thrived on the Balkan Peninsula more than two thousand years ago and was characterized by unusual level of development of a number of sciences and schools of thought. Ancient Greece was something like a beacon of civilization among the ocean of barbarity – and even the very word “barbarian” was first used by the Greeks and meant every person that did not speak Greek language and thus wasn’t considered to be a member of cultured humanity.
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Essay Examples
Our essay writers all have their sphere of competence. Yet they also have their particular area of intellectual curiosity – topics they are passionate about. We always strive to assign you someone who will write your essay with enthusiasm and love for the subject matter. Just like it is in the sample below.
The Glory of Ancient Egypt
Egypt is probably best known for its magnificent ancient pyramids. These unique installations serve as a proof that an incredibly sophisticated civilization came into being a long time ago. Although lately Egypt seems to be regarded merely as an inexpensive holiday destination, with the most common associations being “pyramids”, “camels”, and “all-inclusive”, the Ancient Egypt was a place where a lot of inventions that we use this very day were made. It doesn’t feel that important anymore, as we tend to take these things for granted, because it seems only natural that somebody invented, say, a toothbrush some time ago. And yet if you give it a little more thought it can in fact blow your mind.
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Movie Review
If I could write my essay about anything in the world, I would probably go for a movie review. Ideally, a screen adaptation of a beloved classic. Yet that’s me – you do you. Just look at the magic that can happen if you are really into your topic!
For Those Who Wonder if “Alice in Wonderland” is Worth Watching
Tim Burton’s“Alice in Wonderland” was probably the most anticipated movie of the year 2010. But is it any good? First of all, I should probably mention that hardcore Lewis Carroll fans may find very disappointing. The movie is merely based on the book. It features most of the same characters and a couple of the same locations, but the story is completely different. Alice is no longer a little girl, but an unconventional young woman who has the same dream of finding herself in Wonderland every night, until one day it happens in real life. Her arrival was expected. Alice is supposed to save the inhabitants from the evil Red Queen and get the reign back to her kind sister, the White Queen. She knows nothing about it, but she is meant to be the knight in shining armor, both figuratively and literally speaking.
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Essay Examples
On our team, we have essay writers with very particular specializations. For example, not just “History,” but “Art History,” “War History,” “History of Religion,” and so on. That’s why when you need an essay on Ancient Rome, for example, feel free to specify which take in particular we should do on the topic. That will enable us to create excellent samples for you – just as the one below.
Ancient Rome as a Direct Predecessor of European Civilization
Ancient Rome, though unmistakably belonging to the antiquity along with Greece and some other nations of ancient Mediterranean, possesses a number of quite unique features that made its role in the world’s history very special. At the first glance one may think that Rome and Greece are almost identical in their architecture, sculpture, system of religious beliefs and overall style. There is, nevertheless, an inherent difference lying beneath.
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Essay Examples
What distinguishes great essay writers from the rest of the ilk? Undoubtedly, the ability to find an original take on even the most well-thumbed topic. See how it’s done in the sample below.
Global Warming as a Political Issue
We have all grown up believing that the world is constantly on the brink of catastrophe, the particular catastrophe being in different periods of time the ozone hole, the global warming (aka greenhouse effect), the nuclear winter or something else, with only two points always the same: the catastrophe is anthropogenic and can only be averted by massive government involvement.
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Essay Examples
Tackling sensitive topics such as racial inequality, prejudice, and social justice demands an essay writer to possess particular skills. For example, objective, human-first language prescribed by the APA, emotional intelligence, analytic abilities, and erudition. Read a sample created by such a specialist.
The Problems of Races and Equality
As far as human relationships are concerned, it is extremely difficult to build equal and reasonable community that will not intentionally or unintentionally exclude or discriminate minorities. In the modern society racial inequalities as minorities become more and more common and widely known issue that is scaling up due to the globalization and internationalization of communities. Evolution of this aspect of social relationships is gaining speed especially in Europe with the introduction of the European Union as the new structure, which opened doors for migration between the countries-members of the formation.
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Essay Examples
There are different levels of understanding. For instance, language helps people understand each other. Knowing general principles of mechanics helps people understand how various machines work. And our samples help students understand what decent college papers should look like. Finally, our paper writing services help learners understand that there are no hopeless situations when it comes to crafting academic papers.
Human Understanding and the Role of Languages
Generally known and the most accepted way of communication between people is language. People express themselves through the way they speak and with the help of their conversational style. The problem is that there are more than six thousand recognized languages in the world that basically means that at least in six thousand cases people will not understand each other unless they develop other ways of understanding. Driven by this requirement, people developed the language of gesture and mimics, intonation and emotions to better understand each other. In a similar way, they have developed human understanding that influences and develops the connection between our personality and individuality of other people. There are as many personalities and opinions as people in the world and this number is growing every day.
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Essay Examples
As a professional author, I write my essays about many things. But none arouses such horror as Holocaust. Below you can find a sample of an informative paper where the writer must provide factual data and stay as separate from emotions as possible.
Shame and Prejudice of Holocaust
Some events in the history of mankind create a strong mixed feeling of frustration, fear and curiosity. When we start talking about Holocaust and discuss it in acceptable way with our children, it becomes one of the biggest challenges that are derived from the ethical and moral aspects, involved in any discussions of this occurrence in the history of humanity. It is impressive how different and even radically opposing can be the stories of Holocaust coming from the participants, literature sources and studies in countries that have personal attitudes in regards to this event. One aspect, though, that is always finding understanding and solidarity is when people learn that Holocaust is the cruelty of abnormal ambitions of particular individual or groups that can so easily bring together people, contaminated by the crowd philosophy.
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Essay Examples
Ever wondered, “What is some interesting topic I can write my essay about?” The answer is simple: anything can be an interesting topic, given the right angle.
Sample Essay on Food and Writing Hacks
Writing an essay on an abstract topic or about things which appear to all of us so usual, common, and routine may prove to be way far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. One might assume that it would take a couple pages of mental wandering – and the mission’s accomplished. Well, not that fast, buddy.
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Essay Examples
Among our essay writers, there are specialists on every topic under the sun. Exercise your freedom of choice and select the one that fits your assignment the best!
Essay on Elections
Public elections are the first sign of democracy and necessary attribute of the freedom of choice and thought given to the population.Elections as a decision-making process have their roots in ancient Greece and Rome and used to serve as the main mechanism for choice of Emperors and other important figures in the history. Modern election systems in different countries vary in minor aspects, but in the majority of cases they provide a choice or even make it a requirement for each adult citizen of the country to vote for one or another candidate.
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Essay Examples
Writing an essay about a 1668 essay about writing is so meta! The essay writer who penned the sample below definitely digs this.
Dramatic Poesy
Poesy is full of emotions and in the variety of different genres one will be able to find exactly what he is looking for. Whether poesy is a way to find new ideas and inspiration or to see the beauty and pride of the language, everything is possible and everything is mentioned in it. One of the major elements of poesy is subjectivism that distinguishes it from prose. Among different kinds of poesy only drama has and almost irresistible feeling of involvement and co-feeling.
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Essay Examples
As an essay writer, you will have to create quite a number of critical essays. However, do you fully understand what criticism is? Let’s embark on a metacognitive journey with the author of the following sample and find out!
Essay on Criticism
The meaning of criticism could be interpreted in different ways. When people are asked about its meaning, they will most probably think of the negative feedback. Others will consider it a general emotional reaction. Someone will rather incorporate the culture of literature analysis in the meaning of criticism. The last definition is the one I would like to talk about. Mainly because criticism in literature is extremely interesting type of writing and also because good piece of critical work can create or destroy any previous achievements.
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Essay Examples
Cricket is an extremely popular game in the UK and several former British colonies. However, most part of humanity thinks it is just weird. EvolutionWriters is one of a few essay writing services where you can read pre-written samples or order entirely original papers about the weirdest things on Earth.
The Exciting Game of Cricket
Cricket is widely known and played all over the world, but the most fanatic countries and the greatest players grew up in India and the UK. The history provides valid argumentation for the popularity of this game in the mentioned countries. If one should draw any parallel between cricket and baseball, he is at risk to create enemies among real cricket lovers. Looking at the history of the game we can find its roots in the old England back in the sixteenth century. Some of historical notes mention the game as the club-ball one that was played in Tudor dynasty by Prince Edward.
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Essay Examples
What is freedom, if not the ability to do what you want rather than what’s demanded of you? With the help of our paper writing services, you can have more freedom – as simple as that. For a more detailed take, read the sample below.
How I Understand Freedom
What is freedom? If you ask one hundred people this question, you’ll receive one hundred different answers, because every person understands this phenomenon in his or her own way. I wonder whether this notion can be accurately defined and it seems to me that the answer is no.
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Essay Examples
Students often ask for help from essay writing services when their topic is abstract and complex – like “truth” or “beauty.” Luckily, we have brilliant writers who create breathtaking pieces even with the most challenging themes. One only has to look at the sample below.
What is Beauty?
For many centuries people have been wondering what the beauty is, but up to the present day there is neither definite answer nor a shared vision.Beauty can hardly mean the same to all the people because we are different and our standards and tastes differ as well. We all think that someone or something is beautiful when it provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, placidity and satisfaction.
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Essay Examples
If you have an argumentative assignment, just drop a hint to your essay writer at which side of the debate you lean. They will build a compelling and evidence-backed argument on your behalf. May the sample below serve as a demonstration.
Anabolic Steroids: Pros and Cons
The entire world strives for perfect body shapes. Ads all over mass media prove that everyone around is perfect, except us. Magazines and billboards try to convince us that steroids are the best and the most effective way to gain the perfect shape. Still, there is a controversial opinion of physicians and athletic coaches, concentrated upon effects of steroids.
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Essay Examples
Often students turn to essay writing services when they don’t see a point in their assignment. For example, retelling something well-known about a famous natural sight. However, sometimes the point is honing your writing skills. See how such a topic is addressed in the sample below.
Essay on Niagara
Several places in the world keep amazing us with the variety and impressive power that nature gave to them. One of these places is located on the border of modern Canada and the United States. Niagara Falls is one of the biggest water falls in the world and comprises two separate parts that are separated by the Goat Island. The majority of the waterfalls are located on the Canadian territory; the US side, however, offers travellers and visitors developed infrastructure and various excursions to see the beauty and power of the Niagara waterfalls.
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Essay Examples
Avid moviegoer? Excited about your assignment on cinema history? Or would you rather go to the theater instead of sitting behind the desk? Just outsource the boring stuff to our essay writing service and enjoy the things you love.
Essay on Cinema
Cinema is a relatively new alternative to the theatre and other performance-based entertainments. Cinematography, however, has much longer history and has already evolved a lot during the last fifty years. The history of movies goes back to centuries from today. It started with motion pictures and, mostly as a part of social gatherings, such as carnivals and festivals, slowly started to gain its importance in the world of communication and entertainment. The twenty first century gave bigger spin to the cinematography and made it a part of advertisement practices and mass media.
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College Application Essay
It’s difficult to think critically about your own character. No wonder many students are confused and seek help from our paper writing service with such assignments. We can supply a perfect sample so you will no longer dread this type of essay!
Does any specific attribute, quality or skill distinguish you from everyone else
Everyone is different and possesses positive and negative qualities. People can usually name several weak and strong points about themselves when the time passes. My major distinguishing characteristic is a good knowledge of myself and ability to apply my best qualities in the situations when they can benefit. I really know what I worth and where I need to improve and believe that this knowledge distinguishes me from many other people.
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College Application Essay
“Where do you see yourself in X years?” is one of the most common and, at the same time, most challenging questions that you will be asked over and over. Take a page from a book of this essay writer and learn from their brilliant sample.
Where Will I Be in Ten Years From Now?
I think it is not a fair question, as it will make me lie, should I assume or state that I know what my life and my personality will be like in ten years. Rather than dreaming of such a long run and trying to imagine or create a picture of future, I will show you my present and my short-term objectives that I am sure will keep me on a right track.
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College Application Essay
I loved to write my essays about personal stuff, but I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people like hard facts and cringe at the perceived self-importance of all the “I-statements.” Too bad! Personal essays are great for self-analysis and critically thinking about your own behaviors and choices. For example, look how it plays out in the following piece.
My Approach to Life
I always looked at life from various perspectives and it is very difficult to give single definition to life, as it is one of the most dynamic and challenging things. Our life is the combination of our emotional and cognitive experiences; it reflects our past and our dreams, our expectations and our dissatisfactions. As dynamic our internal attributes are, as changing we can expect our life experiences to be.
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College Application Essay
The discussion about the significance of a college degree for a career didn’t start yesterday and won’t end tomorrow. And probably, any essay writer has to explore this issue first-hand to form their own opinion. The sample below stands firmly in favor of earning a degree to fulfill personal goals.
College Degree Will Help Me Fulfill Career and Personal Goals
In modern world education is crucial for career and personal success; more and more organizations require at least Bachelor’s Diploma from a good college to hire and even consider a candidate for a specific position within the company.
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College Application Essay
Papers about some meaningful experience in your life are among the most popular application or admission assignments. Some essay writers can put such a paper together in a breeze. Others might need help, such as, for example, the sample below.
Describe a significant interest or experience that has special meaning for you
When I was young, we used to travel and live with my parent in different countries. There are, of course, positive and negative aspects of it. On one side, travelling makes you miss your place and deprive you of the feeling of stability. For children it is very difficult to lose their friends and change schools and environment. All these factors are smoothened and even meaningless, when I think about the experience I gained in terms of multicultural and international mind and exposure.
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Essay Examples
Among our paper writing services, we are proud to recommend creative writing. Gripping narratives and enthralling descriptive pieces that are a pleasure to read – have a glimpse of it in a sample below.
My Childhood Daily Pleasures
It was such a long time ago, when I was opening the window and hot wind was entering the room. I knew that in a couple of minutes my mother will enter the room to wake me up. I was always awake before that, but could not hold myself from pleasure of her tender voice and soft touch to make me wake up. I loved these moments and they made my day special. We had breakfast together and she gave me my surprise box for lunch. I was curious what it is going to be, but patiently waited till the lunch time to open the box. My mom was always adding something special to this box and always left small note with a smile for me that I could see as soon as I opened the box.
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Essay Examples
It’s kinda weird when teachers ask students (the vast majority of whom don’t have kids) to write their thoughts on upbringing their possible children. Yet, a good essay writer might be able to step into other peoples’ shoes and write hypothetical papers, such as the one below.
Curfew for Children Under Fifteen
Well, it is not a secret that while we are in the age of teens, our parents have a right to organize or even manipulate our lives in a way they feel appropriate. Perhaps, manipulating is too strong word for that, but parents, undoubtedly, have strong influence on us and their voice in our decision making and plans is louder than anyone else’s. It is also understandable that children feel very frustrated and are often offended with this interference in their lives. And this attitude and hostile position becomes more defined and extreme as we grow and start to form our opinions and principles.
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Essay Examples
For younger essay writers, writing about the influence of the internet on modern life can be challenging. I mean, it’s like writing about the influence of electricity – you realize there was a time people didn’t have it but cannot imagine what it was like. You may want to ask one of us analog dinosaurs – or read the sample below!
Internet Influence
The 20th century brought numerous inventions in the life of people across the globe. One of them, as will be agreed by the majority of people, could be ranked as number one in the world. This invention is Internet and it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of it at least once in their lives.
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Essay Examples
If the topic is too complex or just makes you uncomfortable, outsource it to us! That’s what paper writing services are for! Our experts will deal with it professionally and level-headedly. See the example below.
Issues of Sexual Abuse and Incest
I strongly believe that this topic is dedicated to two different subjects that, despite having something in common, still represent and touch upon different moral and ethical values. The major difference is that one is illegal and is committed against the wish of one of the people involved, while the second one can be the consequence and result of mutually desired behavior. With that in mind, it is important to treat and analyze these occurrences separately.
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Essay Examples
The power of persuasion belongs to an essay writer who can see the problem from both opposing perspectives and defends one of them with informed and well-chosen arguments. Read the sample below and see how it’s done.
School Uniform
A lot of schools based on local or governmental initiative implemented school uniforms and there are various opinions and views that support or withstand this notion. These arguments vary from those, who state that uniform is a necessary attribute of discipline and order creation among school children to the fact that its introduction is the violation of individual freedom.
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Essay Examples
We work with essay writers who are good at what they do and are passionate about their subjects. If you need a sample written by someone who really cares (like the one you see below) – just ask. We will match you with just the one.
Pollution and Demolition of Earth
Air pollution constantly affects people’s lives, as in order to live we have to breathe and repugnant substances that are present in the air make it harder for our organism to receive the needed oxygen. Apart from human beings, there are millions of animals, insects and other live creatures that share this air with us and, consequently, are influenced by the damage that human activities bring to their inhabitation.
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Essay Examples
When turning to our paper writing services, you are guaranteed to get a sample backed up by evidence and scientifically proven facts. An essay on the adverse effects of deforestation presented below is an excellent example of such a paper.
Greenhouse Effect and Other Results of Deforestation
Greenhouse effect is the result of the outflow of radiative energy into the atmosphere and its absorption by gases. As a result of this effect, the temperature in the region of this reaction increases to uncertain and sometimes uncontrollable levels. When we talk about greenhouse effect, we start to think about global warming and its impact on the nature.
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Essay Examples
As an essay writer, you sometimes have to take and defend positions that do not necessarily coincide with your beliefs – as an exercise in eloquence. Learn how to build the argument on any topic from a sample below.
Pros and Cons of Free Public Transport
Public transportation is an extremely valuable offer that government gives to the citizens. Looking at the public transport systems around the world in attempt to find the ideal set is very interesting. It is almost impossible to find the system that will always be appreciated by employees of the system, government and, of course, users of the public transport.
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Essay Examples
If you come to us saying, “Write my essay on psychology,” and leave the topic field blank, we will write about psychology as a subject. Still, it will be an in-depth original analysis, not a generic definition. As an example, read the following piece.
Evolution of psychology takes special place in the development of modern psychoanalysis. Several names played special role in formation of the fundamental theories. Some of them are the theory of ego and super-ego, theory of Oedipus Complex and several sound hypothesis on life and death relationships.
Thinking of psychology in general, I would like to look at the evolution of opinions and views through the theories of Freud and Jung and comparison and contrast that teacher and his student put on the judgement of wide international public in the past and in today’s world. “I found in myself a constant love to my mother and jealousy of my father. I now consider it a universal event for childhood”. This phrase illustrates the theory of psychosexual development that states that every individual and his actions are driven purely by sexual elements of his mind.
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Essay Examples
Let our paper writing service show you how to craft an outstanding paper on a hackneyed topic, and your approach to writing will never be the same!
I do not like the word spent, because when you spend, it means that you are losing something. My summer is an extraordinary and pleasant experience that I try to reward myself with every year. I love to spend time with my family and it did not come as a surprise that this time we also gathered together and decided to spend one month on our farm, following by one fascinating month on the beach of Bahia.
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Essay Examples
As a college student, I am sure you have your own strong opinion on how similar or different school and college are. However, if you would rather not dwell on the subject, our paper writing service will gladly take care of the detailed write-up for you.
Childhood and adolescence are usually the happiest and most careless periods in our lives, but there always comes the time when a young person starts asking questions “What am I going to do in my life?”, “How can I be successful in my future?” Many young people understand the importance of proper education for their future and think of going to a college after graduating from high school.
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Essay Examples
If you haven’t read “To Kill a Mockingbird” or didn’t watch the movie – just do it. Maybe, not today, but when you have a chance. However, if you need a paper after this book right now, read the sample below to get an overall idea or address our essay writing services for more hands-on assistance.
One of the most successful novels of the twentieth century – To Kill a Mockingbird – was written by Harper Lee in 1960. The characteristic feature of the novel is its autobiographical nature and plot. The novel is based on the Lee’s observations of her family relationships, her close social circle and the events that she became a fortunate observer of when she was just about ten years old. Additional charm is added to the novel by its style and narrating.
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Essay Examples
As you may find out from the sample below, the theory of mind explores the ability of a person to understand the way another person thinks. Perhaps, this notion might be expanded, as our essay writing service understands your needs and is here to provide effective writing help.
Each of us was given the ability and gift to understand people from cognitive and emotional aspects. Theory of mind is the notion that describes the ability of an individual to sense and analyze the way of thinking of another person. One of the greatest parts of this theory is the capability of one person to see things and realities from another person’s perspective. In real life this complicated definition means that people who know the theory of mind will be able to admit that their opinion is not a universe truth and will be open for the discussion of various views on the specific subject. People who lack the proper knowledge in this field in the same situation will most probably find it extremely difficult to understand why no one else sees that their opinion is correct and will be put off by the time spent for the discussion of obvious (from their perspective) subjects.
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Essay Examples
At Evolution Writers, you can choose an essay writer to be assigned to you again if you like their unique style. For example, the author of the below sample has a dramatic streak.
Swine flu, or swine influenza, is the disease that hit the population of the earth and put people back to the reality, showing the strength of nature over the most developed technological solutions that, as was believed before, could prevent us from the influence of any viruses. The name of the virus comes from the fact that the disease is most commonly spread by pigs and is further transferred to people. Though it is not common that the virus is transferred to human beings in the form of swine flu, and in general people are able to develop antibodies to prevent the development of the influenza, the cases of the zoonotic swine flu have became very common in recent years.
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Essay Examples
If you’re pressured to perform despite anything, you can relieve stress by turning to our paper writing service. On our website, you can free samples to learn from or order a 100% customized essay to get the job done stress-free.
Previously, we used to think about stress as a weakness. Today, people talk about it as an inevitable part of our jobs and day-to-day interaction with the outside world. While in the past we believed that we should try to avoid stress, modern literature and personal and professional trainings teach us how to cope with it. Job descriptions more and more often set “ability to work under pressure” as a requirement. One could even argue that stress becomes a trendy characteristic on the job market as a product for consultants and as an element of well-paid jobs.
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Essay Examples
To create a vivid description, you must either possess Hemingway’s talent or spend hours curating every word. If neither is available at the moment, you still have an option – turn to our paper writing service for help. Our writers create beautiful descriptive essays like the one below with their eyes closed!
What comes to your mind when you think about beach? Most probably its will be sand, water (lake, ocean, etc.) and sunny weather. Some of us will probably remember how we went to the beach with our parents when we were children, or some funny episodes from the times we were teenagers. Beach is often shown and positioned as a positive and sunny place, where people spend their summertime and have a lot of fun. Most of us have at least one photo on the beach, which always brings pleasant memories.
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Essay Examples
As for me, I could write my essays endlessly about delightful landscapes, change of seasons, and that unique harmony that contemplation of the ocean brings. If you, however, find it difficult, the sample below might give you the inspiration you need.
When you walk around the park on one of the autumn days, it is impossible not to admire the beauty and quintessence of nature. Who can predict exactly when heavy autumn clouds will hide the tired sun for a long time, or how much rains, snows, light frosts there will be, while the earth will be covered in snow?
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Essay Examples
Personal topics inspire some while paralyzing others with writer’s block. If the latter is your case, our essay writing service can take care of the most delicate and meaningful themes for you.
Mother… This word associates with something sweet, tender, nice and merciful. We are born little and defenseless to this world and at once we submerge in the heat of her love and anxiety. We listen to her soft voice while she sings songs over our beds and calm down.
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Essay Examples
Our paper writing service employs people with various competencies and passions. If you aren’t keen on athletics, for example, just allow someone who is to write an enthusiastic piece about it. Like the one below – on soccer!
Soccer is one of the most popular team games that is played in at least hundred countries. Modern rules for soccer take their roots back in the nineteenth century, when football association and local communities made an effort to standardize soccer rules across England. Special role in the development of modern football belongs to the soccer league of the Cambridge University that first tried to put together the rules for this game back in 1848. Today’s soccer is also known as associated football and the game is highly standardized across the world. Soccer’s popularity was growing on a daily basis and very soon people realized the need for the single body that would control and monitor international game’s relations.
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Essay Examples
A definition essay is one of the tough nuts to crack, even if it seems deceptively simple on the surface. However, our essay writers are so skilled at this they will give dictionary authors a run for their money. Read the sample below to see for yourself!
Marriage is traditionally seen as a union of two loving hearts. Two people make a decision to marry and further become one family. The bride and the groom exchange rings as a symbol of eternal love and fidelity. Marriage is not always celebrated, but that day will always remain in the memory of people, warming their hearts and improving their mood. Marriage and wedding are similar definitions in many modern countries – that is why they are often used in similar cases as synonyms.
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Essay Examples
“I always write my essays myself, but the philosophical stuff gives me migraines.” If that’s true for you, just look at the sample below and see how effortlessly our writers can handle ethical and philosophical topics. Don’t suffer in silence and hire them!
What is family? What features does family possess? What role does family play in society? People have different answers to these questions, as they understand the concept of family differently. Many sciences such as sociology, psychology, pedagogy, demography dedicate a lot of their attention to families, their origin and essence.
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Essay Examples
There’s always to say something new about friendship, even if you only have to define the concept. By the way, if we help you write faster and study better, can our paper writing service be called a friend?
People understand the concept of friendship differently, but there is one common ground for it – it is always built on a mutual sympathy. In some cases it is transient and finds its end eventually, while in other cases it may last for many years and grow stronger every year. True friendship is built on trust and mutual support. Your real friend will always find time to talk and try to find solutions to the hard situations you face every day. He is always there to help you and expects the same from you. Friends are psychologically comfortable with each other, and sometimes are emotionally closer than with their relatives.
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Essay Examples
Coffee or tea? Sweet or savory? Cats or dogs? Some discussions go on and on with no end in sight. However, this essay writer seems to have found the answer to at least one of them. Care to explore? Read the sample below!
When the think comes to choose a pet, there is a lot to be taken into account. Let us consider some peculiarities of the both animals.
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Essay Examples
In case you don’t know who Anne Frank was, you should definitely figure this out (the sample paper below can help you with that) and then read her diary. Perhaps, after that, it would be much easier for you to answer the question, “What should I write my essay about?”
More than 6 million of Jews became victims of the Second World War. Imperceptible young girl from Amsterdam was among these unhappy and doomed people. Her name was Anne Frank. She was arrested in August 1944 in Holland. After she was taken away, friends of the Frank family found her diary, where she described her life. Anne Frank revealed the true face of Nazi occupation in it. Friends of Anne gave it to her father Otto Frank, who was the only family member who survived. The diary was published in 1947 in Europe. Afterwards it was released in the USA and became an international bestseller. As of today the book “Diary of Anne Frank” is translated into thirty-two foreign languages.
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Essay Examples
Along with samples about famous writers (for example, Steinbeck or Shakespeare), EvolutionWriters features papers about lesser-known (but as well significant) creators. For instance, we are one of a few essay writing services where you can find Anne Carson’s biography. Her inimitable style that combines ancient and contemporary poetry is truly one of a kind.
Anne Carson was born in Toronto in June 21, 1950. Her father was a banker and was often changing places of work. Little Anne was constantly moving from town to town. However, she managed to enter the St. Michael’s College and the University of Toronto. From early childhood she was greatly interested in the topic of ancient Greek authors’ works. Sappho was her favorite. After graduation Anne wrote a dissertation on the works of this poetess. Currently, she is a professor of literature. The characteristic feature of her work is bringing novelty in the poetry. Anne Carson has always been trying to combine poetry of Sappho and other antique authors with contemporary poetry.
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Essay Examples
One of the advantages of using an essay writing service for a customized sample is flexibility. For example, we can prepare with equal ease a dissertation on anger management or convey the gist of the topic in a one-page essay, like the one below.
Anger is one of the basic emotions and all of us experience it in certain situations. From an evolutionary perspective, anger has been given to people in order to survive. If something negative happens in a person’s life, it usually irritates him. Anger is a normal reaction in such situations. It helps to resist them and facilitates their solution. It always helps to prove one’s point or to say “no” when it is necessary. Anger is considered as an irritation of secondary or higher degree. Unfortunately, it can result in rage, or even violence. Everything depends on the person, situation and the ability to control negative feelings.
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Movie Review
Need a succinct review for a book or a movie? Our essay writing services are ready to help you out! Order your customized unique sample or model your work on the one below!
Beautiful Mind is a biographical movie about John Forbes Nash junior, mathematical genius with hard fate. At the beginning of his career he has made enormous contribution in the field of Game Theory, which was a revolution in this mathematical area and almost brought international fame to the author. The movie was filmed in 2001 by Ron Howard and today it is called modern classics: a true drama, making you think and evoking emotions.
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Essay Examples
Perhaps, reading does not belong to the virtues of modern youth. However, students shouldn’t neglect reading free essay samples that essay writing services like EvolutionWriters publish.
I cannot say that I love reading, but I undoubtedly enjoy it, depending on the mood I am in. It is not a secret that statistics is “showing scaring figures” about the downgrading trend of reading preference in many developed countries. I agree with the numbers, but believe that the definition “scary” is given to it either by mistake or due to incomplete and not evaluated information.
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Essay Examples
When I was a student, I couldn’t for the life of me write my essays on philosophy. Seriously, it was pathetic. The subject seemed too vague and abstract. I wish I could have some help from someone as brilliant as the author of the following sample. I wasn’t so lucky, but you still have a chance!
Philosophy is a science and even though numerical and empirical methods in regards to the research and analysis of the subject of philosophical experiments are not always effective, as any other science it always requires structure and methods that would help to get arguments and supportive data as well as make conclusions.
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Essay Examples
Education has been many things over the ages – a dangerous power given to only a select few, a light illuminating minds and improving morals, a common good that brings prosperity to the nation. Now it’s primarily seen as a commodity to invest in. As an essay writing service, we are particularly aware of this recent transformation and would like to start a discussion.
In the modern world education is not just a requirement and moral value, but also an expensive market product. One of the major characteristics of modern education is the directly proportional relationship between the age of educational institution and its value. While other market products value innovation and complete change and modernization of the portfolio, education values proposition based on the conservative and tested system that is checked and evaluated through years. Thus, when we talk about modern education, we assume combination of technological developments and conservatives of old and traditional educational institutions.
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Essay Examples
Among our essay writers, we have economic theorists capable of meticulous analysis. If you need an essay on Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, or any other economy and political thinker – just let us know. Meanwhile, read the sample below as an inspiration.
Karl Marks is an outstanding personality in the history of economic science. His works on the economics of capitalism laid foundation to the development of separate philosophical stream – Marxian Economics. It is important to differentiate Marxian economics from Marxism, as the latter one is the theory of political and social science. Marx was the first to discuss and identify the role of proletarian revolution as the basis for development of capitalism.
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Essay Examples
The nature of autism remains unknown to scientists. However, if you need to craft a paper about this condition, our essay writing service has several relevant sample papers you can use to draw ideas. One of them is right below.
Autism is a relatively new notion in our public knowledge and scientific literature. The majority of the specialists consider autism to be a disease and a lot of qualitative and quantitative researches were done in order to understand the nature and causes of this problem. While medicine and psychology are trying to treat autism, other sciences try to look at this state from completely different angle.
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Essay Examples
Sometimes, even the best essay writers need help, too. Or they want to explain to newbies how to achieve the heights of professional writing. The paper below is a good example of instructional writing you are welcome to use to your utmost benefit!
Writing successful academic paper is not an easy task and each of us, who ever had to face this assignment, understands what I mean. There is no definite way to make your piece of writing an outstanding work, as well as it is not possible to derive the standard formula of the academic writing that will satisfy all types of professor and meet the requirements of all the subjects. That said, none of the guides on academic writing will be able to teach anyone how to write an essay, dissertation or term paper. What they can do is provide the reader with the logic line and direction, in which this document should be written.
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Essay Examples
Literary classics is one of the most beloved topics for essay assignments, with Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird topping the lists. It’s difficult to write originally about such a well-studied cultural phenomenon, yet experienced essay writers can handle it. See the example below.
Harper Lee together with Margaret Mitchell and Jerome David Salinger belong to the American writers best known for only one of their books or, as in the case of Lee, those who have actually wrote only one book that immediately brought them widespread popularity, but did not evolve into an ongoing writing career.
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Essay Examples
Our essay writers are skilled and flexible. They can eloquently express any position on any subject – however radical or moderate – all with concrete evidence and solid arguments. One has to look no further than the sample below.
Although nowadays it is fashionable to speak about the equality of all the nations, civilizations and ways of development or even of the inferiority of the Western Civilization in what concerns its relations with other cultures, for example, the Chinese one, to my mind, these opinions are based on either lack of knowledge on the subject or some kind of intellectual masochism that modern decadent Westerners seem to be so keen on displaying.
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Essay Examples
Wanna know a secret to a gripping narrative? Simple: good story plus writing skill. Among our essay writing services is direct communication with your writer. Create riveting stories based on your personal experiences and executed with an eloquent pen!
It was another summer holiday and after a year of studies it was what all of us, students, looked for. Personally I had more to look forward to, than just the holiday. I was the winner of a fully paid trip to the southern coast. Everyone envied me and wished they would be in my shoes for a moment. But as for me, it was a different case. Unlike the excitement and joy that people celebrated for my win, I really regretted for participating in the competition, because I had a problem with the prize. My course instructor was excited very much, since he was to accompany me for the trip. I knew he was particularly eyeing the huge sum of money that would be allocated to us on the day of the trip start.
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Essay Examples
Do you have a secret place? Somewhere you wish to keep private? I don’t mean our paper writing service – although you can be sure of your privacy here. No, I mean somewhere you go to rest and heal.
Every person has a need to have some secrecy in their lives, once in a while. People have their secret places, where they go to when they want to stay alone for some time. I am not in any way different from such people, as I also have my secret place where I go to when I need to have some privacy.
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Essay Examples
Often students come to us with their precious ideas. Then say, “Write my essay about the place of my dream. I want it to be executed beautifully, to be a tribute to the place”. We want to give you back not only a sample but confidence to express yourself. Let the sample below be a source of inspiration for you.
I have lived in Arizona for the most significant part of my life. It is hot, sunny, beautiful, lively and very different from other parts of the world. Although I have travelled to other American states, such as Illinois, New York and Washington, the most outstanding one is my visit to the most beautiful place on earth: cool, green, luxuriant and pristine Amazon Basin. One of the most interesting features of travelling is that every new place is unique, beautiful and always has breathtaking sceneries.
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Essay Examples
When we hire essay writers into our team, we test their writing prowess, language skills, and… their imagination. Why? Because they must be able to help you with creative tasks, such as the piece below.
There are people who are color blind and do not recognize some colors, while there are others who can see and comprehend all of them. But I have always wondered how it would feel if I could only see one color.
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Essay Examples
Even the most prolific and diligent essay writer sometimes succumbs to procrastination. Is it something you struggle with yourself? As you can see, you are not alone.
I am a nice human being with beautiful dreams, high expectations about myself and plenty of aspirations. There is only one thing, that bothers me a lot and doesn’t allow to achieve my goals – procrastination. Each day I make detailed plans for the next day. When the day comes, I keep postponing my appointments again and again and at the end of the day I see that I haven’t done enough.
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Essay Examples
Necessity is the mother of all invention. What do you need the most? An alarm clock that you cannot skip? A bracelet that zaps you when you are about to say something stupid? A cloud essay writing services platform that projects brilliant ideas directly into your head? Let’s fantasize!
We live in time when new technologies and inventions appear almost every day. Our grandparents and even parents could not imagine that these changes would happen in reality, but not in fantastic novels. We cannot realize our world without many of them (just think about living without Internet). Today we can dream of such unreal things as flights to other planets, human and animal cloning, growing organs of our bodies, telepathy, teleportation, etc. and it is not fantasy, as everything we need is time and improving existing technologies.
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Speech Samples
Our essay writers are equally good at building a logical argument and preparing a compelling fiery speech. As an example, let me introduce the following persuasive essay.

Different definitions could be found for the meaning and concept of life, should you start searching the web or library bookshelves. In fact, life is everything that is given to us to enjoy, get sad, be satisfied, happy or unhappy about. All of us (the majority of us) value our life incredibly, but in spite of that, we sometimes cannot see the evident facts that put our life at risk. One of the remarkable talents of people is to be able to overestimate their talents and capabilities so that to forget about caution and attention. First example that comes to my mind is drunk driving!
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Essay Examples
When you get help from an essay writing service, you can do something else with your time, stop being an overwhelmed student for a couple of days. However, this time is limited. What if you could swap your life for something entirely different? Let’s speculate for a minute.
When I feel too lazy to do my homework, I think about one of those career-guidance days we had in my high school. You know, when all kinds of professionals come to explain you what they do. Our task was to imagine ourselves doing this or that job for one day and to see which one we would like better. That seems to be easy and fun to do, until you actually imagine yourself being somebody else.
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Essay Examples
Most people turn to essay writing services to outsource some pretty boring stuff. However, we revel in creative tasks as well as strictly academic. Read the electrifying narrative essay sample below to see for yourself!
Once upon a time there was a confident boy who always gave the same reply to the same question about who he wants to be in future. He was confident that his life assignment is to be a military person and serve to the good and benefit of his motherland. The time of choice has come and he entered the military university to make the first step towards his dream and his destiny. Everything was according to plan and everyone supported his decision. There was one single problem – he realized that he was not happy. When this understanding came to him, he was completely lost. It is frustrating and destructive to realize that your dream does not make you feel like the dream should.
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Essay Examples
Some call patriotism the highest form of love. Others quote the celebrated British essayist Samuel Johnson who said that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. If you still don’t have a well-shaped opinion on the matter, reading free samples that our paper writing service offers might be a good start.
“How do I see my country and what am I ready to do and give up for it”? It is the question that each of us should ask ourselves at some point of time. School education in the majority of countries tries to ingrain the feeling of patriotism to us. We learn how to love and respect our motherland and be proud of the achievements that our history keeps and passes to new generations.
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Paper Samples
Whether you think the Microsoft Corporation is a blessing or evil, you cannot but agree that this is a phenomenon worth exploring. Consider this notion carefully when thinking, “What else can I write my essays?” And the sample below might just give you an idea or two.
Business giant, the example of tremendous success, leadership standards and perfect human capital management are considered to be synonyms of the Microsoft Corporation. Established back in 1975, the corporation has developed from passion of two school friends for computers to the biggest multinational and multimillion corporation that develops, manufactures and sells all types of computing products. Why is this company so successful and different from the other organizations on the same market? These are several factors that determined the success of the company throughout its existence, some of them are market driven, such as demand and low competition in segment, or availability of resources on the market that generated this unique composition of competence and experience that brought first products of the company to the world.
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Book Review
When tasked with a paper about a book of your choice and thinking, “What should I write my essay on?” – consider “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck. As a well-recognized novel, it has plenty of relevant samples out there that you can use as writing models – and one of them is right below.
John Steinbeck packed his novel with a lot of emotions and backgrounds of people with different stories, lives and attitudes. The book narrates the reader a touching story of a friendship between two men during one of the most difficult times in the United States history – the time of the Great Depression in 1930s. Conjoined with the common dream to open their own farm, friends arrive to their new work place and start building up relationships with other workers.
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Essay Examples
What would happen if people could change their past mistakes or decisions they perceive as mistakes from where they are now? Many essay writers speculated on this topic, but it never gets old. Let’s explore it once again!
I’m definitely sure that everyone at least once in his or her life thought: “If I could go back in time, I would…”. All of us have something in our past that we want to change: some people regret about mistakes they’ve done, others about things they wanted to do, but didn’t resolve to. Human beings regret about words they said, about hasty actions and conclusions, about lack of courage or persistence, etc.
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Essay Examples
Stranger things happen. Have you ever experienced anything you could not explain? This essay writer definitely has. Read about their experience.
I’m definitely sure that almost all of us at least once in life have seen something weird, extraordinary and odd, and something that doesn’t have any logical sense or explanation. Some people met ghosts, others saw the UFO and different unusual creatures. There still exist many weird things in our lives.
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Essay Examples
Tell me what you wish for, and I will tell you who you are. For example, if you wish you had more time, you are either a student, a parent or both. Our paper writing service can grant this wish at least!
We, human beings, are such creatures who always dream about things that are very difficult to obtain, sometimes even not possible at all. Personally I prefer to dream only about real things, which I can achieve in certain period of time. There is only one unreal thing I regret about from time to time. Sometimes I wish I had a sister or a brother!
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Essay Examples
If I had to write my essays on just two books, “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner would definitely be one of them (another would be Asimov’s “Foundation”). This is one of the most vivid descriptions of conflict between classes and the devastating consequences it has for society.
“Barn burning” is a story of famous American writer, Nobel laureate William Faulkner. It is one of the most popular works of the author, published in 1939 and, despite the fact that most of his works are rather complex for the perception of an ordinary reader, this story has managed to attract the attention of the most diverse audience.
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Essay Examples
When you outsource your literature task to our essay writing services, you can be sure that the result will be text-informed, backed up by quotes, and elegantly written, just like this sample below. Enjoy!
In his short story “The Cask of Amontillado”, Edgar Allan Poe tells how one of two protagonists takes revenge on the other for some insult, not described by the author. It takes place in medieval Italy, and is told on behalf of the murderer, who immured his offender, Fortunato, alive in the wine cellar of the Montresor’s (avenger’s family) palace. The action takes place in two different locations – in the head of the murderer, where we see sober-blooded thoughts of revenge, and the cellar of his house, filled with barrels of wine, and littered with human bones.
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Essay Examples
You can specify anything about your topic or give your essay writer complete creative freedom – the choice is yours. We guarantee an original paper written in an authentic voice in either case. For example, can you guess which approach was chosen for the sample below?
From time to time, before I fall asleep, I think about odd things: I try to imagine how I would exist on Mars, or what a person I would be, if I was born in a different country and in a different family. Yesterday I thought about what an animal I would be, if I wasn’t born a human being.
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Essay Examples
Succinctly summarizing the plot of a novel or a story is a talent every essay writer should hone. If you still have moderate success in that area, order a sample or learn some tricks from the piece below.
Short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Birth-Mark”, is one of the best from the entire Hawthorne’s short stories collection “Mosses from an Old Manse”. The two main protagonists of this story are the beautiful young woman called Georgiana, and her husband Aylmer, the scientist, “proficient in every branch of natural philosophy,” as ironically written by author. On her cheek Georgiana has a single crimson birthmark, which many find quite attractive, but her husband is not one of them, and on the contrary, believes that this is the only flaw that spoils the perfect beauty.
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Essay Examples
I would write my essays about inspiring people just for the fun of it. However, that might not be your cup of tea. Maybe, you just don’t find the person in question inspiring enough – that’s okay. Because you don’t have to. Outsource your task to someone who will be excited about it and will write a compelling essay like the one below!
Steve Jobs is a co-founder of the multimillion international corporation Apple. He is known in the business world not only as an American magnate and inventor of the one of the most popular computing products in the world. Many works and articles were written to analyse and examine the way Steve Jobs is conducting business and his visionary on the development of the corporation.
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Essay Examples
We wouldn’t disclose any secret data when we tell that quite often our essay writing service helps students develop papers about animal rights. Read the example piece on this topic below and browse our sample directory to discover more papers about various aspects of environmental law.
Animal rights are an aspect of the environmental law and an extremely interesting subject to talk about. First of all, because understanding of animal rights vary a lot from country to country. Secondly, we often talk about right or wrong treatment of animals, but do not really understand what the real legal aspects that should be considered in this case are. Many non-for-profit organizations care and try to participate in the animal rights initiatives and spread the knowledge about needs and rights of those, who cannot protect themselves from dominant and often cruel human behaviour. In spite of these efforts, legal interpretation of animal rights and the way we see them are at times two completely different things.
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Essay Examples
When I used to write my essays for school, I remember always going for something mysterious and paranormal. This gravitation towards sensational probably isn’t the best feature for an academic unless your goal is to explain such phenomena away with science and logic. Just like the author of the below sample does.
Bermuda Triangle is widely known as the Devil’s Triangle and the place where mysterious and unpredictable events make people believe in the strength and power nature still has over its inhabitants. These beliefs and live myths have certain grounds and are kept being fed by numerous incidents happening in the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. A lot of airplanes and large-tonnage vessels disappeared or broke down, passing through this area, and scientists cannot find any theory and sensible explanations that could cover all the doubts and questions related to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
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Essay Examples
Not a fan of theater or this controversial play in particular? That’s what essay writing services are for! Outsourсe the tasks you don’t enjoy to people who love this stuff!
“David Mamet wrote a master piece” – it is one of the headers in the newspapers following the publishing of the book “Oleanna”. It is a strong and challenging work that lays bare the consequences of miscommunication and political ethics, as well as raised the sexual harassment problem once again in the literature, but from a new angle and new philosophy. Two-character drama reflects the relationships between Carol, college student, and her professor. Being scared of failing the subject student comes for help to the professor, who agrees to raise her grade should she consider meeting him in person for private tutoring.
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Movie Review
Media is what we consume the most. That is why it is vital to be discerning and assess the content you engage with critically. Reviews are one way to train this skill. Just look at how the essay writer below dissects an action thriller, for example.
The well-known Universal Studios film company had a plan to shoot a movie “Wanted” in 2004. The eponymous comic book by Mark Millar was picked up for the film`s plot. Company’s management wanted to make a hard film with a rating of “hard-R”.
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Movie Review
Among our staff essay writers, we have enough movie buffs keen on writing reviews like the one you see below. Hire their talent if you liked the book better!
Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law tried to embody unforgettable images of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in this bold new film version. In G. Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes” the legendary detective shows not only his unmatched intelligence, but also considerable physical training as well.
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Movie Review
Students often use essay writing services to compensate for the things they find more challenging. For example, STEM students sometimes struggle with creative tasks and media analysis. We love to help you write a concise book or movie review, like the one below.
“Kites” is not a traditional Indian movie, but rather a breath-taking action. This film is a romantic love story of an Indian guy Gee (Bollywood star Rithik Roshan) and a Mexican girl Natasha (Barbara Mori). They fell in love at first sight, despite the fact that she did not understand Hindi and speaks only Spanish, while he could speak only Hindi and English. Besides, Natasha was already engaged to another man. However, there are no barriers for true love.
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Essay Examples
Some students turn to our essay writing service because they are confused about a particular format. For example, how is a critical essay different from just an essay about a book? The sample below demonstrates all the trappings of critical writing.
“Heart of Darkness” was written by Joseph Conrad and was first published in 1899 as a series of three stories in the Blackwood’s Magazine. Later, in 1902, it was issued as a separate book. Nowadays this book is considered to be classic and is included in modern pre-college reading program.
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Paper Samples
If you are initially puzzled by a complex concept – like social representations, for example – crafting a decent essay about it would be quite challenging. We suggest you use any help you can get. And our paper writing service provides it in the form of free samples you can use as writing models and custom-written essays you can use as a foundation for your own work.
The objective reality is rather complex and varied. It is widely investigated by various branches of science. Social psychology also devoted great attention to this study. Every single person reacts differently to different situations. Many factors, influencing people’s behavior, were clarified. They were called social representations.
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Essay Examples
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t miss the chance to write my essay about Great Britain for the world! Great music, terrific TV, funny accents, fashion statement flag – what more can one want? Yet you feel free to outsource your task or peek at someone else’s take below.
When the question is about this wonderful and mysterious country, people call it England. But the full name of ‘Her Majesty” is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The beauty of this country can be observed on a group of islands, where the variety of nature landscapes is flashing all over. The territory of the land occupies Great Britain itself, Ireland and a number of small islands. Beautiful, mystifying and matchless England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland form the whole Great Britain kingdom.
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Essay Examples
When I used to write my essays for school long hours into the night, I also thought about my teachers who would mark the stacks of the class’ essays. Probably, also long hours into the night. I always appreciated that the struggle is mutual – we are all victims of an imperfect system. The author of the essay below shares this view.
The profession of a teacher is one of the most responsible and vital among all. Being a good teacher is a real challenge for every person, who was brave enough to choose it. These people have a huge responsibility on their shoulders, because along with sharing their precious knowledge, they shape the lives of young and sensitive personalities. That is why all teachers should have one superior objective, that is to become real professionals in their field.
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Essay Examples
You use Google without even thinking about any alternatives. In fact, I bet you just googled paper writing services and found us. However, do you know enough about this glorified search engine to write an essay about it? Let’s find out!
What is Google? Where did this word come from? Let’s find it out. Google is named after the ‘googol’ which means ‘one with 100 “0”s’. Such a name reveals the main aim of the Google inventors to gather and work out as much information as possible and provide all users with the most comfortable and adequate search.
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Essay Examples
When I had to write my essay on Wuthering Heights for high school, I was absolutely enamored with it. I’m afraid it was more gushing than analyzing. However, this cannot be said of the excellent and to-the-point sample below. Read and learn how to do it the right way.
Wuthering Heights is a mysterious and unique novel. It was written by Emily Bronte under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell. The story takes place in the Yorkshire manor, that’s why the book`s title derives from that area. Wuthering Heights is unusual story about vibrant, passionate and tragic love of Catherine and Heathcliff. This story has a great number of different critical responses. Still, all critics agree that this novel has special amazing features, as it attracts more and more readers from all over the world. It helps readers pledge into the world of magic dreams and fantasy. First critical essays on Wuthering Heights appeared back in 1980’es. They are still actual nowadays, as the story can be applied to any time and conditions. Some critics consider relations between main characters as deep love, but others think it to be wild passion. The words of heroine Catherine Earnshaw considering the fact that love doesn’t always bind the hearts of two people, but can be a devastating feeling, express the main idea of the author.
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Essay Examples
When I don’t know what to write my essays about, writing about a famous person – historical or modern – is always a viable option. For instance, the sample below is about one of the most well-known Roman emperors – Julius Caesar.
There is a limited number of historical characters that receive attention in each and every educational program. We start to learn about famous people in the world history since early childhood from our parents and at school. Julius Caesar, Roman general and a major participant of the transformation of Roman Republic in Roman Empire, is one of those people. The history of Rome during Julius Caesar is impressive, as this period became one of the major historical eras in transformation of the Roman society. The story of Julius Caesar is a legend about an individual that can make difference and create the history!
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Essay Examples
To write or not to write my essay on “Hamlet”? – Well, first off, you definitely should read this immortal tragedy by Shakespeare. If you feel inspired, don’t hold it back – put your thought on paper right now. In case you still need some things clarified, read relevant samples in our directory. Otherwise, contact our customer managers to learn more about how EvolutionWriters can help.
Every line written by Shakespeare is individual and possesses enormous strength in its meaning and style, gives birth to numerous emotions and creates room for imagination. It is difficult to find a person in even the most hidden part of the world, who hasn’t heard about Shakespeare and Hamlet Tragedy. Today, I would like to briefly talk about this masterpiece and share some of the major emotional and personal findings about it.
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Essay Examples
When you come to our paper writing service for help, you can be sure to get an original and engaging sample, even on the most common and general topic. For example, read the piece below written on a specification as vague as “an essay about the USA.”
For those who love history, irrespectively of their cultural background and interests, USA is the country worth learning about. Walking through the centuries and various paths of economical, political and cultural background, one will keep opening new and unexpected facts and gain valuable lessons the history of the United States of America can give to future generations. Starting with the foundation of the states back in 1776-1789, when the country went through tremendous Cultural Revolution, re-evaluation of the values and up to the modern days and the role the country plays on international economical and political arena, can show how everything may drastically change within a couple of centuries. Not many countries succeed to do it in such a short time.
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Essay Examples
We have a diverse team of unique individuals. That’s why we can always find you an essay writer who knows a lot about the topic at hand and can draw inspiration from personal experience for compelling pieces like the one below.
There is no time in the year and no place in the world, where you cannot practice sports. A lot of people tend to separate sports for winter and summer and choose only one of the seasons to enjoy sport activities. However, I strongly believe that there is always time and place to enjoy various sport activities. One of the most challenging and exciting sports, from my point of view, is snowboarding due to its complexity, environment you put yourself in to practice it and social surrounding.
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Essay Examples
Have a piece about music to write, but you can hardly be called a music enthusiast? Just let our essay writing service do the job for you. We know quite a few melomaniacs with a passion for writing to boot!
Every person is different and all of us have different tastes in food, books, sport and, of course, music. Rock music takes its roots back in 1940-1950s and as an individual music style it has inherited a lot from rock and roll, country music and blues. Two of the major musical instruments that determine the concept of rock are drums and bass guitar. The sound, born from these instruments is strong, powerful and can be conceptualized to the entire rock music. It is remarkable that rock lovers are considered to be the most passionate fans.
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Essay Examples
In 1775, American politician Patrick Henry shouted to the Virginia Convention, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” Today, you don’t have to be that dramatic. If you need help writing a college paper, you can take the liberty of checking out free sample papers in our online directory or asking a professional essay writer to provide personalized practical assistance.
Dictionaries give different definitions of freedom, but all of them are common in the fact that it is the right of people to behave as they want without harming other people. But the main thing is how we interpret this concept. For some individuals liberty means just to have no engagements or simply circulate freely. For others liberty is the ability to exist without being coerced or forced to do something they don’t want.
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Essay Examples
If you need to craft an essay about Europe and don’t want it to be like the “Eurotrip” movie, you’ll have to do lots of research work. For that, you have Google and Wikipedia. If you want to see what your paper should look like before being submitted, check out samples from our paper writing service.
Usually, when you hear a title of somebody’s essay, which includes the word Europe, you’re immediately getting ready to take a nap, as you are sure that the focus will be on typical things concerning this part of the world: political situation, geographical aspect, climatic condition, etc. Once I was assigned this topic, I made up my mind not to write about the well-known boring things, but pay my attention to much more interesting field – tourism. Thanks to this sphere Europe can turn into a real paradise on Earth for the people of all ages!
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Essay Examples
We have skilled, experienced essay writers with diverse cultural backgrounds to deliver papers uniquely tailored for you. For example, here is a first-person account of Orthodox Easter traditions from someone immersed in the culture. Take a look!
Easter is one of the main events of the year for the Orthodox Christians and the most important Orthodox holiday. The word “Easter” comes from Greek and means “deliverance”. On this Holy Day we celebrate the deliverance of all mankind from the devil’s bondage through the sacrifice of Christ the Savior and the gift of eternal life and bliss. That is the fundamental sense of the Orthodox religion – God Himself became a man, died for us, and His resurrection redeemed people from the power of death and sin.
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Essay Examples
Everyone has dreams, many of them. Yet, when suddenly asked about the most important, people usually just freeze. If you don’t want to freeze over an empty piece of paper, thinking, “About which dream can I write my essay?” get prepared and read the sample below.
Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams…
Since the beginning of time, the mankind has been trying to understand different functions of the human organism: how we move, talk and act. For the most part many of these physiological behaviors have already been explained on some level. However, one area of the human nature, that has had researchers and scientists confused for a long time, is the human’s mind. Many things happening inside our heads seem not to make any sense, and so far have no tangible explanation of why they occur and how. One of the most fascinating and mysterious sections of psychology is that of dreaming.
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Essay Examples
When I used to write my essays about different countries, I’d spend the most time looking for some info. Now the trick is to sift through the sea of info available online and distill only the most essential facts and figures. That’s hard. Use the sample below as a template for how it’s done.
Canada is a thirty four million population country and an extremely interesting place to visit for all types of tourists, including those who are looking for cultural, sport and adventurous vacations. Canada is the second largest country in the world and from geographical perspective represents a great variety of landscapes, national parks and historical sites. The country is much diversified in terms of its population and the culture is enriched by two national languages, English and French. When you start reading about this country, what it is offering to its visitors will not leave you indifferent.
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Essay Examples
Writing about sports sounds kinda boring. If you’d rather play the game instead, our paper writing service can free your hands!
Basketball is one of the most popular team sports. It is a great way to follow the famous proverb – “A sound mind in a sound body”. All you need to play it is a ball, hoop and good and comfortable basketball court.
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Essay Examples
The true talent of an essay writer is being able to explain complex ideas in simple, comprehensible terms. I’d say the author of the following sample on fiscal federalism possesses this talent in full. Read and enjoy.
The term ‘fiscal federalism’ is one of the rather wide-spread concepts of the modern society. Fiscal federalism is an essential subfield of the public economics. To provide the most clear definition for this term, it will be right to say that fiscal federalism concerns the question of which tasks and instruments are centralized in the best way and which functions are positioned in the best way in the area of decentralized government levels.
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Speech Samples
A skilled essay writer should be able to craft various types of papers. The sample below showcases how you can approach crafting an appealing speech.
Ladies and gentlemen!
You dare ask why education is so important. My teachers always remind me that consistent research teaches us to be resourceful. The more time you spend looking for answers, the more opportunities stream into your consciousness. Basic arithmetic, reading and writing will eventually get you somewhere but not everywhere. The higher your educational attainment is, the better your chances and opportunities in life. There are no better words to say it.
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Speech Samples
Let’s face it: it’s quite easy to craft a speech about something controversial as you have plenty of contradicting arguments to work with. At the same time, experienced essay writers know that creating an appealing speech about something that everybody agrees on (in the case of our sample, it’s that terrorism is atrocious) is totally another matter. Hopefully, the example below will help you cope with such a task.
The city never sleeps at night, the people can’t walk freely on lanes and all minds are stuck with the fear of violence puttering around, of terrorism growing in the world at an alarming rate. Terrorism is the activity that is carried out by men to generate panic and fear; to harm and kill people; it is an abhorrent attempt to take away an individual peace and lives.
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Paper Samples
Capital punishment is one of those topics that always come to mind when you’re thinking, “About what can I write my essay this time?” And although this issue might seem to be explored far and wide, with due diligence, you can always find a new angle to it. Read the sample below to confirm.
Death penalty is a form of punishment that was adopted and accepted by our ancestral parents biblically traced in the Moses’ times; the practices has been inherited or transferred from one generation to another. Death penalty has been used as a method of eradicating criminals in the community or construed as a method of ensuring a peaceful society where violence is maintained at its dismal point. However, for the past few decades statistics from diverse data banks on crime have indicated that there is a general rising trend of violent events or criminal incidents in the society. Thus numerous questions have arisen concerning the validity or justification of the employment of death penalty to check crimes in the society.
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Essay Examples
The rumor has it that one cannot be considered an accomplished essay writer until they write a piece about a mother. Be it about their dearest person or the motherhood concept in general, it would be a paper that illustrates your writing abilities to the fullest.
Who is mother in your opinion? Many people when they are asked this question give quite different answers just as when they are asked about Bible. So I wonder if she is the one who brings us into this world. Is mother the one who cares about us, feeds us, looks after us and loves us like no other?
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Essay Examples
Suppose introspection and existential pondering aren’t your favorite pastimes. In that case, you can always turn to essay writing services for an essay sample like the one below. We promise to assign a philosophy major who loves pondering to bits.
It is really interesting when one tries to talk about oneself. This is due to the fact that every person has a tale to tell. Mine is rather one of those stories that are very intriguing.
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Book Report
Given a chance, I would write my essay on Steinbeck’s novella The Pearl with rapture. I like novellas – they are so unapologetically high on drama, almost like YA fiction. Yet I understand that not many share my opinion. So if you need to free up a few hours in your schedule, just outsource your essay to us – or get some tips from a sample below.
The plot of the story takes place on a coastal community near La Paz, Mexico. The town lies on an estuary where the sand is yellow, but there is rubble of shells and algae near the water. The book was first published in 1947, so the time period is probably early 19th century. Kino, the main character of the book, is the father of Coyotito and husband of Juana. Kino finds the “Pearl of the World” that lays the beginning to their problems.
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Book Report
Admit it, how often you say to yourself, “I’d write my essay for that literature myself if only I had read the book!” With our detailed, comprehensive book reviews, it doesn’t have to be an either-or situation! Read a concise summary and write a breathtaking essay!
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry was written in 1943 in Nazi-occupied Copenhagen, Denmark. The Nazis are surrounding up the Jews in the city for the stated purpose of relocation. However, this could mean only a near-certain death. The Danish Resistance, active in Copenhagen, is seeking ways to fight against the Nazis. This is the story of how ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen and her family, members of the resistance, set out to help Ellen Rosen, Annemarie’s best friend and a Jew, to escape the Nazis and find safety and freedom.
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Book Report
Literature essays arguably are the most time-consuming, as they include reading doorstop books as your prewriting stage. No wonder we often get requests like, “Write my essays for the literature class in bulk. I attach the topics list.” This shows commendable planning skills and, alas, a dramatic lack of time. Samples like the one below provide a quick digest optimizing your learning.
Outwardly, Theodore Taylor’s novel The Cay is a story about 11-year-old boy Phillip Enright and his experiences stranded on a cay with an African American sailor named Timothy. However, the most important problem The Cay portrays is about how a young man learns to cast aside his racial prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
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Book Report
Some students come to us saying, “Write my essay on children’s literature, I’m too busy studying important stuff,” and we are happy to oblige, of course. However, we must stress that no topic is insignificant – may this sample serve as proof.
Sometimes literary giants engage us in a manner that is either awkward or bluntly provocative. This can be illustrated by the manner the author of the book Shiloh has singularly attempted to do. It can be as well illustrated by the manner the author has explored the philosophical theme which encompasses the compassionate social fabrics. For instance, by delving into the subject of what the masses needs or wants, he presents a challenge to any reader who fails to grasp the literary dogma involving the use of imagery, illusions as well as knit and compact plot to broadcast his observation. Hence, the predominant concept which the author can be said to have anchored his argument is resolved within the perimeters of morality. In essence, according to the novel, morality tends to be confined in archives of the social plebiscites who more than often question the tenets of morality, that is, the elements of respect, empathy, transparency as well as decency.
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Book Report
“The Old Man and the Sea” is a true ode to humanism in general and a particular person’s spirit. It’s only natural that any essay writing service that offers samples to learn from would have one or several papers after this novel by Hemingway.
There have been heroes ever since the existence of humanity. However, wonders about heroism seem to be surprising when dealing with the heroic incidents that are against nature. The narration of The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway vividly affirms ways of portraying heroism. There is a fraught of struggles here and there in the book, i.e. endeavors to fight with the nature to prove the heroic strength of the old man.
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Book Report
“Go Ask Alice” is a book about teenage drug abuse. It is hard to read and probably even harder to review. Check out the piece by an essay writer who handled the task.
For decades or centuries the adults have wondered how the teenagers or youngsters get their lives wasted. It is even not surprising that scores of individuals in the present generation fail to have a glimpse over the way they ruin their precious lives. The content of the book Go ask Alice is dedicated for those living in such darkness. It has an array of problems that involve the youths. In general, it’s a book that has strikes much pit or worry on the lives impending to maturity. Is it worth to read such anonymous book?
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Book Report
The saga by J.R.R. Tolkien is classic, so no wonder many essay writers take on crafting book reports about its particular part or the entire series. This sample focuses on the evolution of Bilbo Baggins’ personality.
How do you make yourself a feared and honored king? It is not an easy way that is devoid of hurdles and challenges. If you have visible and invisible weaknesses, The Hobbit by Tolkien Ronald Reuel has a lot of useful information for your present life and the transformation of your life for better in the future. This is an account commencing with an indication of fragile character of Bilbo who is depicted as a having detest on adventure though he has the desire to save his treasure of the ancestral parents.
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Book Report
You might be a brilliant essay writer, but short for time. This can be tricky when your topic is a 60,000-word novel. No worries! We have enough avid readers on our staff!
The Giver is a book of its own kind. Authored by Lois Lowry the novel consists of numeral communities. These communities as the author argues are governed by an Elder. In brief, the Elder are more of the conventional city mayors. From a social perspective everything in this planet is wholly controlled. This infers that people have no innate choice to live the way they want nor they desire, whatever they desire is typically offered at the “Ceremony of the Twelves”. Equally, even the weather seems to be controlled. Ironically, the book paints a symbolic scenario by asserting that music is unknown. Moreover, the dwellers of this world do not see or recognize colors, but the most intriguing aspect is that death is unknown to them.
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Book Report
Our essay writers know that no piece of literature and art is as simple as it may look on the surface. Children’s books are not an exception. Read keen genre analysis of a beloved classic novel done by one of our experts.
Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer narrates the tale of an adventurous, mischievous and imaginative lad who never seems to let go any opportunity of an adventure. Typically, the novel is anchored within a foundation of dissimilar themes which includes the aspects of love, rebellion, imagination as well as superstition. In essence one of the profound themes of the novel revolves or rather depicts the novel as a childhood romance. From a common perspective it is almost certain that there are cases of correlated emotions overwhelming the young boy when he first encountered Becky Thatcher as the author infers: “He worshiped this new angel with furtive eye, till he saw that she had discovered him; then he pretended he did not know she was present, and began to “show-off” in all sorts of absurd boyish ways, in order to win her admiration.”
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Book Review
If I had to write my essays about dark fantasy stories, I would never stop! Still, you do you. If you would rather go and hone your piano skills or learn a new programming language, we can take care of your reviews. Just look what our writers can do!
Reading this book we first come across prologue and then the story begins with Elphaba’s Munchkinlander parents and the birth of Elphaba. The tale then reveals as she grows into a child, then a teen and as she joins the Shiz University.
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Book Review
There’s no way any of the paper writing services out there can sidestep crafting a custom paper or publishing a sample after the “Twilight” saga by Stephenie Meyer. EvolutionWriters is no exception.
Sometimes it is difficult to establish the definite plot or the theme of any given book. However, examining the manner in which the author of the Twilight has interwoven his plot it is crucial to say that Twilight is more of a love story. Examining the nature of literary tools employed such as suspense and imagery it would be instrumental to assert that it’s equally less vampire anecdote than it is passionate morality tale. This is due to the fact that our superwoman, Bella, compels us to follow her along her romance with the gorgeous, faultless vampire Edward. Hence, what makes this book to be exceptional is that the author has managed to explore and present his theme of romance and abstinence with unchallenged clarity.
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Book Review
I only wish I could write my essay about a popular young adult fiction adventure when I was at school. We used to write about boring classics. Not nearly as exciting as the essay below. However, classics or hot bestsellers, we enthusiastically review anything for you!
The book is about a 14 year old boy, Alex Rider, who is puzzled by the mysterious death of his uncle Ian Rider. Alex is confused by the police office claims, “Had your uncle worn a seatbelt, he would have had a chance to survive”. Yet the boy clearly knows that his uncle was a very careful person. In the first few chapters of the book Alex have discovered little clues pointing to the malevolent death of his uncle: dozen of bullet holes on the car and a handgun which his uncle’s boss brings to the funeral. Further on Alex is invited to his uncle’s office to discuss his uncle’s will with one of the employees. Alex finds this meeting to be an appropriate time for him to carryout investigation and luckily he sneaks into his uncle’s office and starts perusing documents that might give hints about his uncle’s death. Unfortunately he is caught and shot with tranquilizer gun.
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Book Review
“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova is one of the most vivid books about how a person and their family cope with Alzheimer’s disease. No matter how complex or scary the topic is, our paper writing service sticks to its mission of publishing high-quality samples for students to learn from.
Still Alice is a convincing debut tale depicting a story of a 50 years-old-lady swift descent into early commencement Alzheimer’s disease. Basically, Alice Howard is married and is blessed with three grown offsprings and a striking house on the Cape. By the time she began to notice her forgetfulness, she was a celebrated professor at the peak of her career in Harvard. Hence, the confusion began to erode her thinking and her memory began to upset her. But she was scared when she received the frightening diagnosis: the early inception Alzheimer’s disease. Though aggressively independent she fights to maintain and sustain her lifestyle and live in the jiffy, even though her innate consciousness erodes and slips away.
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Book Review
“I have to write my essays by the dozens, where do I even find time to read books I need to review?” – that’s the question many students ask themselves. In our sample directory, you can find dozens and dozens of sample book reviews and reports to use as writing models and save time. This particular example is after “Skelling” by David Almond.
In 1998 Skellig won the Carnegie Medal as well as Whitbread award and remains the most famous and readable book. This short novel book contains 170 pages that are full of essential themes and images. The author David Almond is considered to be Gabriel Garcia Marquez in literature for children.
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Book Review
Despite a common misconception, modern youth still read a lot – they just do it via smartphones and e-readers. As a result, many books bring up issues relevant to young people. “Holes” by Louis Sachar is one of them. Stop looking for its review from essay writing services, read it right here right now.
Holes written by the author c was published in 1999 and he won national book award and Newbery medal. Later in 2003 this novel was modified by Walt Disney with good star cast Khileo Thomas and Shia LaBeouf.
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