When I was a student, I couldn’t for the life of me write my essays on philosophy. Seriously, it was pathetic. The subject seemed too vague and abstract. I wish I could have some help from someone as brilliant as the author of the following sample. I wasn’t so lucky, but you still have a chance!
Philosophy is a science and even though numerical and empirical methods in regards to the research and analysis of the subject of philosophical experiments are not always effective, as any other science it always requires structure and methods that would help to get arguments and supportive data as well as make conclusions.
There are several common factors of all the philosophical methods known up to know. All of them include hypothesis stating, formulation of primary research questions and limiting the scope of the analysis, research on previous related studies and analysis of the new data. Due to the liquidity of subjects that are covered by philosophical analysis, all the developed methodologies require critical thinking and counter or alternative hypothesis to be tested against.
The core criterion of philosophical method is its dependability on the object of research, which in the vast majority of cases is human being or a group of people. Working with people is the major determinant of qualitative nature of the philosophical method. Philosophy involves people on both sides of the equations: those who choose philosophy as their major and those who become a subject of philosophical method. Under these circumstances motivation becomes a crucial element in the philosophical method and methodology process.
Philosophical method is a great contrast to the scientific tools. Its linchpin is reasoning and argumentation, while exact sciences general apply empirical and quantitative data into analysis.
The notion of philosophical method is very controversial, but it presents strong relation between qualitative analysis, argument and conclusions based on the logic and findings of philosophical experiment and other tools within the methodology scope.