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Training for Automotive Sales Essay Example


Modern organizations must create and maintain a competitive advantage to succeed in the contemporary corporate world. Building superior human resources is one way to attain a competitive edge in the market. Organizations can build a superior workforce through training and development (Chadwick & Flinchbaugh, 2021). Most employees comprehend that continuous professional development is essential for career growth. As such, they tend to work in organizations that provide training and development programs. With that said, most various theories support training requirements. This paper will recommend experiential learning theory to train sales associates and appropriate activities. 

Theory and Primary Tenets

Experiential learning theory contends that people learn best through doing. It is less cognitive as it emphasizes implementing a hands-on approach in training programs to help workers retain new skills and information (Hagen & Park, 2016). It involves four phases, concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Concrete learning involves obtaining a new experience; reflective observation is when the trainee reflects on the experience. Abstract conceptualization occurs as the trainee develops new ideas, and active experimentation involves using or integrating the new ideas into real-world situations. 

Rationale for Recommendation

Experiential learning theory would be best for training sales associates because it would give them firsthand experience that would improve their maturity, learning power, and knowledge. The theory requires trainees to have a supervisor; thus, the employees would have mentors to guide them and give them relevant feedback, enabling them to learn and develop needed skills (Chen, 2014). Personal involvement in training activities would allow employees to evaluate themselves and reflect on the outcome. Such would enable them to develop reflective practice habits that would enable them to learn from their mistakes. 

Activity One

Role-playing would be an effective training activity derived from the experiential learning theory. It entails people playing different roles in a specific scenario (Wahyudi & Hadiyat, 2020). It would involve dividing the sales associates into buyers and sales representatives. They can play a seal-the-deal scenario where sales representatives need to convince various customers to buy automobiles. The prospective buyers may involve customers with various traits, and sales representatives would use their skills and expertise to sell their products. For example, the trainer can create a scenario where the salesperson tries to appease an unhappy client. The activity would enable the sales associates to experience situations from the salesperson’s and customer’s perspectives, imparting experiential knowledge. 

Activity Two

Task-based simulations would also be an effective training activity. According to Bracq et al. (2019), simulations are an effective training tool because they enable trainees to identify mistakes and receive appropriate feedback. For example, the trainer can simulate a sales call to allow trainees to respond accordingly. The sales associates could handle customer objectives and choose the best response strategy. The trainer would then provide feedback on how they could better handle the customer, thus enabling them to identify their mistakes and improve.  

Activity Three 

Case studies would also be an effective activity for training sales associates. Case studies expose trainees to past real-world scenarios (Waqanimaravu & Arasanmi, 2020). The trainer would present a case study about a sales scenario in the automotive industry and divide the training into two working groups. Each team would prepare a solution and choose a representative to present to the audience. The trainer would provide additional insight into the case study and appropriate solutions. Analyzing the case studies would provide valuable insight into how sales associates can deal with similar situations in their work. Such would enable them to implement learned concepts in their work. 

Learning Styles

Visual Learning Style

The visual learning style involves learning through seeing (Angeles, 2020). Such may involve seeing pictures like graphs and charts or reading. That said, role-playing addresses visual learning style through observing. Visual learners can benefit from observing how others are behaving in a specific scenario. Task-based simulations address visual learning style by replicating a work environment and providing images that enable visual learners to remember what they see. Case studies can address visual learners by including videos, and PowerPoint presentations, using handouts to present information, and organizing information well with heading and pictures. 

Auditory Learning Style

Auditory learning involves learning by listening. Auditory learners retain and remember information when presented in audio or speech. Role-playing addresses this learning style by facilitating communication between sales and buyers and communication when the trainer is giving feedback. Task-based simulations may involve an audio presentation enabling audio learners to listen. Case studies address auditory learning styles by allowing the trainer and trainees to present their solutions orally. The trainer can also provide audio-based case studies.

Kinesthetic Learning Style

Kinesthetic learners learn best by taking a physically active role (Angeles, 2020). Role play addresses this style by allowing trainees to act out roles that enable them to practice tasks they may encounter in their work. Simulations also address kinesthetic learning by providing an immersive experience that places employees in simulated real-world situations where they must actively solve problems. Case studies address this learning style by promoting a practical approach where trainees are actively involved in solving real-world situations.


Experiential learning theory emphasizes the importance of experience in learning. It contends that people learn by transforming experiences. It is an effective model for training sales associates because it actively involves them in the training activity and allows them to engage in reflective practice, which is essential for professional development. Case studies, role-play, and simulations connote some training activities that trainers can create from the experiential learning theory. These activities address visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learning styles, making them appropriate for training diverse employees.


Angeles, M. A. G. G. D. (2020). Learning Style and Preferences of Students in Skills-Based Courses. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation24(03).

Bracq, M. S., Michinov, E., & Jannin, P. (2019). Virtual reality simulation in nontechnical skills training for healthcare professionals: a systematic review. Simulation in Healthcare14(3), 188-194.

Chadwick, C., & Flinchbaugh, C. (2021). Searching for competitive advantage in the HRM-firm performance relationship. Academy of Management Perspectives35(2), 181-207.

Chen, J. C. (2014). Teaching nontraditional adult students: Adult learning theories in practice. Teaching in Higher Education19(4), 406-418.

Hagen, M., & Park, S. (2016). We knew it all along! Using cognitive science to explain how andragogy works. European Journal of Training and Development40(3), 171-190.

Wahyudi, R. D., & Hadiyat, M. A. (2020, April). Role playing as experiential learning method for quality engineering education. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 830, No. 4, p. 042057). IOP Publishing.

Waqanimaravu, M., & Arasanmi, C. N. (2020). Employee training and service quality in the hospitality industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research23(3), 216-227.


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